Love the organization!

<p>As big as UA is, I just have to say that - so far - “things” are running quite smoothly for my daughter. She got the Bama Bound session we wanted, and the room selection process was a breeze. I know this because she had to work last night and I had to log on and do everything for her. I was a nervous wreck beforehand, scared I would mess it up somehow, but I got her a spot and both she and her roommate are happy with it. Nothing thus far has been a hassle and I love that! I guess they have it all down to an art. Or would that be a science? Either way, thank you, UA!</p>

<p>UA isn’t perfect but they seem to know what they’re doing.</p>

<p><em>sigh</em> I know – yet it doesn’t look like DS is going to realize how important such things are until it’s too late and he’s at another school. :(</p>

<p>I’m sure we’ll run across something that isn’t run so smoothly, but for now, I’m pleased with the ease of finding what I need - for myself (daughter has no problem). After a long search for the right college and lots of time spent on various college websites, I can say that UA’s is very user-friendly compared to many.</p>



<p>I’m sure it’s coming too, but so far we’ve had smooth sailing. Room selection has been successful two years in a row, and we’ve had three semesters of registration where D got the classes she wanted at the times she wanted. And the couple snafus we’ve had (computer issues at the start of recontracting signup and an improperly linked class during spring registration) were resolved quickly with a phone call. The sense I always get is that people CARE, and that’s why things go smoothly (or, when they aren’t completely smooth, they’re fixed quickly).</p>

<p>They do care, and it shows. I remain very impressed overall with their efforts to manage the explosive growth they are surely feeling. I think the changes with the post office/package center will help. I still think they need more buses running during move-in weekends, and I think Fresh Foods being open on the weekends and/or expanding their hours of operation during peak times would be advised.</p>

<p>I am the parent of 3 college children (all at big state flagship schools). UA by far is the most organized and tuned into the needs of the students and parents.</p>

<p>Our experience has been very positive as well. One of the first things that set this tone was the personalized tour that admissions set up for my son. Talk about organization! I know they do this for lots of kids, but on that day, the schedule was organized around his interests. Incredibly impressive for a school this size.</p>


 I find this an interesting comment because our experience - both mine and my daughter's as students - was not this. &lt;/p&gt;

<pre><code> One of my top pieces of student advice to her was to KNOW the requirements for your major, as stated in the catalog when you sign up for the major, and to know them better than any advisor who would be required to sign off on schedules (back when paper was involved). This proved useful to her when required courses disappeared from the schedule when she was supposed to take them.

And as good as some courses of study are, some are decidedly not. Imagine taking an interior design course in fabrics, and the course is online only…among other absurdities. UA does have its warts.

In any case, YOU are your best advocate…it’s still a big place, and there are plenty of people without a clue in charge.

<p>Yes, you do need to be proactive, as you do with most things. If you rely too heavily on any orgn to “hold your hand” and take care of everything, you’re going to stumble.</p>

<p>For example:
Those of us who’ve had family members who are seriously ill know that, altho we may not be medical experts, we have to stay on top of things otherwise a beloved family member will not get the care he/she needs, or worse, a bad mistake can happen.</p>

<p>You definitely have to be your own advocate and look out for yourself. That’s true in anything. But finding what we need on the website has been so straightforward, feeling like DD is really wanted, and having everyone we have run across at UA so far be so helpful have all made quite an impression. </p>

<p>Another thing that has been helpful is this forum. I’ve found answers to questions that I didn’t know I needed to ask. So, thanks to all of you, too!</p>