Loving Your Safety School

This is really nice. Here in FL, most state schools open the application window in August. It makes senior lives tough as the schools start immediately as well. It helps with college counseling and essay writing, it puts the application process competing with other school and work loads. Getting decisions before the school year makes the senior to concentrate on the school year with less stress.
DS24 is juggling with college essay writing, open houses, AP classes assignments, part-time job and other ECs. The added stress of the unknown outcome of the applications and the constant worry of the right selection of the colleges to apply.

For all the folks who mentioned FAU here, few questions from a potential applicant. Is FAU and FAU Wikes honors college 2 different applications altogether? Can you apply to both through Common App?
Is Jr year summer term GPA required to be 4.3 for both applications or is there a chance to apply with other strong profile including NMSC Semifinalist?

I am a current senior, and my favorite safety school is Texas A&M(I’m an auto-admit student). Having that option has alleviated so much of the stress from the admissions process. I might end up going there even if I’m accepted into one or more of my reach schools.


With good reason! TAMU is a fantastic option, and as I am sure you know, you should feel very proud about the work you did to put yourself into this position.