Low ACT, high GPA & lots of AP's!?

<p>I really want to go to UW-Madison next year but I'm starting to worry! I got a 25 on the ACT, and just took it again yesterday but will most likely only get a 26 (if I'm lucky a 27). Timed tests are absolutely horrible for me. My weighted GPA is around a 4.3 and by the time I graduate next year I'll have had 9 AP classes and all the rest honors. I have a lot of extracurriculars too. Do you think I'll get in even though my ACT score is killing me?</p>

<p>You might–or might not. Worth the shot.</p>

<p>I hope you are either using a tutor or taking a Prep prior to taking the test. I suggest taking as many practice tests as possible and if you keep scoring in the same range then why bother taking the test over and over. A good tutor will figure out which test is the best for you and just keep on working. I think you will get into most schools with your grades. I would give you a 40% chance of getting into UW. Good luck</p>

<p>Once I get my scores back for the June ACT, depending on what they are, I’m going to get a tutor and try to bring it up a few points on the September ACT. I should also probably add that I’m in the top 10% of my high school class of 400, if that makes my chances better?</p>

<p>I got in with a 25…</p>

<p>Really? Okay! That makes me feel a lot better :)</p>

<p>The test numbers posted are for the middle 50%- 25% will have lower scores. You could be one of them, especially with your hard work to get good grades and take a challenging curriculum. You still got above the WI state average, which is above the national average (often tops in the country). You might have a discussion with your HS guidance counselor next fall. Like everyone else, have other schools on your radar, too.</p>

<p>You could try the SAT. It’s less time constrained and some do better on it. Did you take the PSAT? That would be an indicator of how you might do on the SAT. Your unweighted GPA is what UW will consider.</p>

<p>I’ve taken the SAT once but did worse than then ACT so I’m sticking with the ACT. My unweighted is a 3.82</p>