Low ACT:/

<p>Ok so I have a pretty good weighted GPA (4.6) and have taken over 12 AP's but my ACT is a low 26....</p>

<p>Lots of EC's and more than 200 service hours</p>

<p>I have won art awards and have exhibited at my school</p>

<p>FL resident/low income/hispanic/female</p>

<p>good essay</p>

<p>3 languages (spanish, english, french)</p>

<p>Do I have a shot?</p>

<p>What’s your class rank?</p>

<p>Yes … class rank is everything with U of Miami … the actual GPA is not important … only class rank.
Basically all the schools I visted U of Texas… Penn State … U of Miami made it clean that they only look at class rank and not at the actual GPA itself … some schools are 5 and 6 point systems so it’s impossible for them to tell if you GPA is good or bad for your school. If your not in the top 5% then that low ACT will hurt your chances. How many times did you take it?</p>

<p>Im 16/292 which is in the top 6%. Do i have a shot?</p>

<p>what about for applicants from schools that don’t rank?</p>

<p>Miami is know for wanting the top 5% in the class … and accepting in the top 10% of class … as well as lower of course. Not 100% is in top 10% and up but pretty close … but the statics are … </p>

<p>Freshman Class this year
Ranked Top 10% in High School Class 73%</p>

<p>Freshman Class this year
Ranked Top 5% in High School Class 53%</p>

<p><a href=“Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami”>Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami;

<p>Being in the top 6% definitely balances out a low ACT. A person can be a bad test taker … but you can’t be a bad student and be the top 6% of their high school class. </p>

<p>You still have a shot, but maybe not at getting scholarships.</p>