Low GPA - Above Average ACT - What are my chances?

So for ALL my colleges I’ve applied to, I’m below requirements for GPA at a lowly 2.25 but above average ACT at 24 (cause I bombed Math at a lowly 16 - others were upper 20’s) I’m going for music performance, so have to audition. I can play. It’s my thing. Academics, not so much. LOTS of music performance-related ECs. What are my chances? Already accepted to WVU which I’d be happy at. Denied GMU. Deferred at Seton Hall. BUT, I’d be happier at West Chester or Millersville University of Pennsylvania. Also applied to Temple, Rowan, Ithaca, UHart and UD (In-state) . All of the schools, I have to audition (instrumental major) so most don’t have a decision until after. I KNOW I can get into any of them musically. But academically? But again, ACT above or at average for most of them. So anybody know how that combo works (or doesn’t). Also, if I get accepted to WCU or MU, can /should I cancel my auditions at those other schools? Scheduled my favorites first and you usually hear from them in about a week after the audition. The wait is killing me as everybody already hearing from schools. BUT, auditions don’t start until end of January. :frowning: Anyhoo, the REAL question is, music aside, with a Lower than required GPA but above average testing, would those average out to admittance?

You are a music major, and auditioning. No one here can predict for you. Your grades and test scores are only one factor. Your performance at the audition, and the needs of the department for a student with your instrument are other factors. You have one admission already (YAY!) if that place is affordable for you and you like the department, then you are good to go if all else fails. Provided the money works out for WVU, it is perfectly OK for you to cancel auditions and withdraw your applications at any place from your list that you like less than WVU.

Ditto the above. Once you have acceptances (and don’t waste your time fretting over possible outcomes) and know affordability you can make decisions based on how well you think you can do. Remember, any school that accepts you assumes you can do the academic work. Do not worry.

Thanks for your response. Based on lessons I’ve already had at ALL the schools I applied to and the instructors’ reponse, I’m in. In other words, if it were just up to the audition outcome, I WILL get accepted. But unfortunately, the academics play a role. So auditioning aside, if I were going in for a general major or undecided, will that combo of GPA/ACT score get me in? Cause I know my audition results will. I was already told by many of the instructors, even IF I bomb my audition, which I want, they already know I can play. Maybe I should have presented the question differently and leave Music auditioning out of it.

You might get better responses if you posted this in the music majors area.

The answer to your question is…it depends. Some schools require that you meet their academic bar, or at least come very close. Others will accept you as a music performance major with less than stellar academic credentials and the acceptance is based on the strength of your audition.

Here is the rub. The strength of your audition will be compared to others who are auditioning on the same instrument. Neither you nor one private instructor at the college can predict what that field will look like. At all.

Look at the policies of the colleges…some are very clear with regard to meeting their academic bar…and for good reason. Some music performance majors don’t continue with that major…and the college wants to feel confident they can be successful at the school if that happens.

Do the very best audition you can do. That’s what you need to do. Then just wait and see. You have an acceptance already…so at you know you are going to college.

Check each college’s Common Data Set. That will tell you how many students in your GPA range were accepted.


For music performance majors who must audition, there is sometimes some wiggle room in terms of academic credentials for admission…depending on the college. This is particularly true for music conservatories and conservatory type departments within a larger university.

That should read… Even if I bomb my audition, which I WON’T, not WANT :stuck_out_tongue: