<p>i<code>m a junior. last yr(sophmore), i moved to a new country (from japan) and transfered to the school i am in right now. i moved in april, so i was here at my school for only the last 2 mnts of sophmore yr. because of the school system in japan and my school(an amermican international school), i literally skipped a grade(except for the last 2mnts i was here). i finished freshman yr in march(in japan)and transfered to this school.
ok, sorry this got so confusing. anywayz, because of this, my grades were really really low for sophmore yr(2 C</code>s!). because as i mentioned, i moved to another country and switched schools (school in japan wasnt even international school,so evrything taught in japanese)and i literally skipped a grade and was only at the school for the last 2 mnts of the yr.
i<code>m worried that the gpa in sophmore yr is going to lower my cumalitive gpa...do you think what i mentioned above would be considered as an extenuous circumstance?do you think colleges will look at that? or is this just an useless excuse?my gpa for first quarter of junior yr is 3.9, but i</code>m worried my sophmore yr grades are going to drop it quite a lot. i heard that some competitive colleges cutoff gpa<code>s lower than a 3.6..do you think my chances of being accepted to very competitive colleges(like rice, i really want to go there)are lowered because of this?(i havent taken the sat</code>s yet,but even if i got decent scores/decent extra curriculars and such)
lastly,anything else i cud do to enhance my chances??(besides keeping good grades)
sorry this has gotten long but thanks to anyone who replied</p>
<p>o to make sure there isn<code>t any confusion, i didn</code>t skip a grade as in, like i<code>m only 14 yrs old but a junior. i</code>m the right age(16) for a junior, i just didn`t get a education for sophmore yr.</p>
<li>your appostrophes are weird, use the shift key + the key left of "enter"*</li>
<p>dont worry too much. i got into an ivy with 3.59 uw GPA</p>
<p>gh0st: What ivy did you get into!? Could you post your stats or post a link to where your stats are? Damn! I'm jealous.</p>
<p>Make sure you get to know your high school guidance counselor real well. When you ask them to write your counselor recommendation next year, ask them to note that you moved here in sophomore year and indicate that as a reason for the dip in your GPA.</p>
<p>nevermind. i found your stats. i knew it was cornell.</p>
<p>thnks to all whoćreplied!
do u guys think this is an <code>extreneous circumstance</code>? or will they just think its a lousy excuse?</p>
<p>i agree with carolyn~ If you have your guidance counselor attach a supplemental letter explaining your circumstances, then I'm sure the colleges will take this into great consideration. Don't shy away from your guidance counselor and try to talk to them as much as possible, just so he/she knows who you are and so he/she will gladly write the letter when the time comes.</p>
<p>Sorry about being criticals, but coun't Ivy's and tier 1 and 2 schools out... you may want to apply to a state school, (One again, sorry for being a bit critical)</p>
<p>It can really depend on the rest of your resume with the ivies and other very selective colleges. My son got into Yale with a bad sophomore year, but from a rigorous school with rigorous courses, top test scores, lots of APs, very strong ECs, top flight references. On the other hand, UMich wants to see his Mid Year grades before making an academic decision on him. Another young man at his school was deferred from UVA as a legacy with grades slightly higher than S's, but he got into some EA schools. It seems that the larger state schools are kind of stuck on formula wheras the private schools can make an individual assessment. I will tell you, however, that the transcript is most important part of the app, and it is tough to overcome a problem it it. I did not think my S had a chance for that reason, and that is usually the case. But if everything else is terrific, and there is something they want you for at a school, concessions can be made.</p>
<p>You don't need the "shift" key to make an apostrophe.</p>
<p>you mean use two " ' "s? sure but why</p>
<p>using shift makes two '. without shift it makes one '. see. shift = " non shift = '</p>