<p>My gpa is 3.61 and my LSAT score is 177.
Do I even have a chance at the T14 law schools, particularly the lower of the T14 schools</p>
<p>what u have is above the median of U. of Columbia, which is one of better T14 schools. So, your GPA is not low even to begin with.</p>
<p>Bottom line: Yes, decent for all but not sure about HYS</p>
<p>How the heck did you get a 177? Congrats! I hope you share your strategy</p>
<p>Yeah. So what is your answer baller4lyfe?</p>
<p>Well your score is extremely good so I think you have a very good chance at t14. Remember LSAT is king in admissions. How did you get that score? Care to share?</p>
<p>Like others are saying, your stats put you above the average at everywhere but HYS. While you’re slightly below the average in terms of GPA, your LSAT more than makes up for it. Like Baller said, the LSAT is king of admissions. As long as you have all of your soft factors in order you should get into a T10 easily and have a very good chance at even Chicago, NYU, and Columbia. I’d be interested in seeing others input at your chances at HLS, I’m not sure if the 177 would be able to compensate for the 3.61 at that particular school. Stanford and Yale are always a stretch and too hard to predict, they weigh soft factors much more than Harvard.</p>