<p>I'm a junior now. Asian male, first generation.</p>
<p>Major: Electrical Engineering
SAT (superscore): 2340 (M800, R780, W760)
ACT: 34 (M 46)
SATII: Match II 800, Physics 790, Bio 770</p>
<p>GPA: 3.30 out of 4. I transfer to a very competitive private at my sophomore year, grade dropped a lot that year (2.90). But this junior year, almost straight A (except AP Latin B-). Will keep a upward trend thru out senior year. </p>
<p>Rank: School doesn't rank</p>
<p>Courses: taking the most challenge courses. This year, I will take 3 AP tests (AP Cal BC, APUSH and AP Latin) and senior year, I will take AP Physics C and Multivariate Cal.</p>
<p>EC's: Regional & all-state orchestra since 7th grade
State Youth Symphony since 4th grade (difficult to get in, needs audition every year)
Formed a chamber music group for charity
One JV sport
Community service (local science center tour guide....) for more than 100 hours
Clubs: Latin, BBQ, Wall Street.... but the one I spent most of my time is ROBOTIC club</p>
<p>The great thing about Private schools is that they look at WHY your GPA is low.</p>
<p>However that might still be a little too low. 
They might read it as that you are unable to handle a hard course load.
I suggest you write something in your essay/ additional comments about this.</p>
<p>Everything else looks great!</p>
<p>I would definitely still apply.</p>
<p>Yes, based on what you’ve posted here, I believe you have a chance. It would be helpful to know whether your high school typically deflates grades; if that’s the case, the GPA hit you’ve taken would not be such a factor. Your course rigor and upward trend are both positive and important. Your other stats are competitive (heh, I’d like to know how you got a 46 on ACT math though – extra credit? ;)). </p>
<p>Bear in mind that Mudd looks for other qualities in addition to the stats/grades/ECs application formula. How will you stand out? What shows your passion for math and science, your ability to collaborate, and your capacity for mind-numbingly hard work? I’d suggest you ponder those questions before you begin your essays – and do put serious effort into those essays, because writing is also important to Mudd. Good luck! I hope my son will host you or at least meet you next April. :)</p>
<p>geek_mom: sorry, it’s 36 not 46! Thank you.</p>
<p>Blackroses216 - Thanks. I will talk to my college adviser. So far, from school’s Naviance, there is no history about Mudd, I don’t know why.</p>
<p>what did u do at the robotics club??
you have a chance, so you should apply but if that’s all you have, you’re not in the safe zone
You should do more science (i’m guessing ur a guy who likes science) activities.</p>
<p>I don’t think ANYONE is in the safe zone for Mudd. Or Caltech or HYPMS or any of the other colleges that get three times more qualified applicants than they can admit. No matter what schools you apply to, make sure it includes a school meets all three of 1) you will get into, 2) you can afford, and 3) you can like. Otherwise you’re setting yourself up for bad times in a year.</p>
<p>^^ YES. If every student followed GeekMom63’s advice, there would be a lot fewer sad stories on CC. Every list should have a safety that meets all three of those criteria… maybe a couple of them, so you’ll have a choice.</p>