Low GPA, everything else seems good. what are my chances

I’m a student at a large public HS in Minnesota. Applying to…
Bard College
Hampshire College
Pitzer College
Reed College
Vassar College

I really want to go to Reed, I have demonstrated interest (2 campus visits, interview, overnight visit w/class visits) and I feel I know a lot about the school- I’m sure I want to go. I have had family attend Reed, including my mom. Does family history at Reed even make a difference?

Pitzer would be my second choice, I have interviewed and visited CMC.

As for stats,
I have a 32 ACT, but around 3.5 unweighted GPA. I’m in the IB diploma program, so my weighted is much higher- 4.2

My ECs are a strong point and I think they represent my interest as being involved in my community. I have worked directly with my school board since year 10 to influence policy, held multiple campaign internships and a paid field organizing position and also organized a student group to turn out voters for one of these candidates.

I have 3 letters of recommendation from teachers, 2 are presumably very good, the other is from a teacher I have a good relationship with but struggled academically in his class so I am hoping the letter makes up for my grades. I have 3 additional letters from mentors in my extracurricular activities that I’m hoping will show more about such ECs.

Does anyone have insight as to what my chances at these schools are, especially Reed and Pitzer? Thx

Your letters of Rec & ECs look very promising. Your ACT put you slightly about average for Reed, which is great.
In terms of your GPA, I am not sure how Reed considers IB programs. I know the average GPA for Reed is around a 3.9. Your weighted GPA shows that you have taken some very challenging courses, but your unweighted is not as flattering.

Other than your GPA (I am not sure how they will consider it because of IB), you seem to be a fit applicant for Reed. Additionally, since you have shown a lot of interest and know a lot about the program-- you can show this in your essays so that they know you are very interested. I am not sure if Reed has ED or EA, but this might be another option to consider, since you seem to really like this school.

Also remember; although numbers play a big role in admissions, scores and grades aren’t everything. Keeping up with those impressive extra curricular and writing AMAZING essays on the college apps will go a long way.

Best way to “show interest” is via the Why Us. Know the attributes they want and let them be reflected through your app and supps. Some are simple.

How the 3.5 is viewed depends on what classes were less than A. Any cores and those related to your major matter more than classes like gym or etc.

Do you hope to major in humanities?

I’d hope you have another couple of schools you’re applying to. Maybe Minnesota ones?

I don’t think a 3.5 UW (basically a A-/B+ student) in a strong program takes you out of consideration at any of those schools. But it definitely will make it harder, particularly at schools like USC, NYU, and Vassar. Vassar says their typical student is an A/A- student. I do think the interest and family at Reed will probably help, giving you a decent shot there.

On letters of rec, my understanding is that any of these schools would look at one teacher and one counselor letter, and some may also look at ones from a second teacher and/or a non-teacher who can really say a lot about you. I doubt there would be that much help from a third teacher or a second and third non-teacher. On the other hand, it could be good to have the option of sending different letters to different schools if some seem to work better for that school.

Careful. Reed says. “Two Teacher Evaluations (from two different academic disciplines; must be different from the counselor recommendation, as well)”

Bard: “We prefer that one recommendation come from an English or humanities instructor and one from a math or science instructor.
Guidance counselor recommendation and school report”

OP can look up the others.

Reed does not provide merit based scholarships.
So, what did your parents say you can pay?
Reed is ~$70K, can your parents afford that?

You have a shot at them, with Reed being closest to a match. You’d need more matches and safeties (UMN Morris, UW Eau Claire for safeties?)