<p>I'm an Indian male looking to be a Finance major. Right now, I almost just finished Junior year and am looking to apply for colleges. Please give me information on my chances at the listed Universities with the following HS experience: </p>
<p>UWGPA: </p>
<p>Freshman Year: 3.2 (I know, it's terrible.)
Sophomore Year: 3.6
Junior Year: 3.7 </p>
<p>Average: 3.5 (Hoping to overcome this because my Sophomore and Junior year GPAs were good, and I have good SATs) </p>
<p>Standardized Tests: </p>
<p>SATs: 2340/2400
AP US History Exam: 5/5
AP World History Exam: 4/5
AP Statistics Exam: 4/5 </p>
<p>I'm going to take AP Calculus AB, AP Chemistry and AP US Gov. & Pol. next year, and will probably do similarly on those exams. </p>
<p>Extracurriculars: </p>
<p>-Model UN Treasurer
-National Honors Society (Math)
-Between 150 and 200 hours of volunteering in soup kitchens and hospitals
-Volunteering at Liberty Science Center in NY </p>
<p>I am planning on applying to the following colleges. </p>
<p>Early Decision:
UPenn (Wharton)
NYU (Stern) </p>
<p>Regular Decision (assuming I fail on both counts for ED):
UPenn (Wharton)
NYU (Stern)
Carnegie Mellon (Tepper)
Rutgers (New Brunswick) </p>
<p>Sorry but all but Rutgers seem like pretty big reaches. You have a great SAT score but that is the only thing that’s really in your favor, you need more extracurriculars. </p>
<p>I still have this summer to add more ECs, depending on when ED applications go in. How much do you think I’ll need?</p>
<p>I still have this summer to add more ECs, depending on when ED applications go in. How much do you think I’ll need?</p>
<p>For one, you can’t apply to two schools for ED. And, if you are denied in ED you cannot apply again RD in the same application cycle. </p>
<p>with that cumulative gpa, if your school ranks, I’m assuming that you are out of the top 10%. If both are the case then that will substantially hurt you as well. </p>
<p>UPenn: High Reach
NYU: LR-High Match
CMU: LR</p>
<p>“I still have this summer to add more ECs”
See, this is where you’re going wrong. For the love of all that is lovely and pure, don’t add EC’s for colleges. They will see RIGHT through it.</p>
<p>Your GPA is still too low for CMU and UPenn. I got into both with a 4.0 unweighted GPA every semester of high school. </p>
<p>^ And I was waitlisted with the same, so you really have to show them why they should pick you over someone with higher stats!</p>
<p>First of all, Ivies are reaches for everybody, so Wharton will be a reach, but I feel that so long as you have a good reason to justify a lower GPA you still have a fighting chance. NYU and Carnegie Mellon are low reaches, and Rutgers is a safety. If you’re in-state at Rutgers (I don’t know if you are) you can get a full ride with a 2250 SAT score, which is pretty awesome
Have some great essays, and I think you’ve got a chance at all! Best of luck.</p>
<p>i got into stern this yr with a 3.6 and 2370. and good ecs. didnt get into wharton tho.</p>
<p>I know someone who got into UPenn with a 3.7 and a 2010 SAT. It isn’t impossible. But you definitely want to try to improve your GPA. For your ECs, the worst thing you could do right now is join a bunch of programs and clubs. It will look superficial and it will probably hurt your application more than help it</p>
<p>If you are satisfied with Rutgers as your safety (I’m presuming you’re in-state, and so it’s a financial safety, also), then you might as well shoot high. If money is not of paramount concern, then I’d add Drexel, Lehigh, and Pace to round out the list. Although Pace doesn’t have the academic prestige of some other schools, it is within walking distance of the financial district and offers lots of internship opportunities. Lehigh is probably a solid academic match for you, and its business programs are well-respected. Drexel, also, has good business programs, and opportunities within Philadelphia. Northeastern is another possibility, with a co-op system.</p>
<p>Thanks, guys. Sorry for delayed reply. But the question right now is, as many of you have said, Wharton is a high reach for me. In light of the fact that I can’t apply to two colleges in ED, which should I apply to? Stern is my 1st-2nd choice and it is less selective. But since Wharton is a high reach, would I have a viable shot applying to it ED?</p>
<p>And yes, I live in NJ, so I’m in-state for Rutgers.</p>
<p>if you apply ED to stern you may/may not have a shot cause they tend to fill 30% of the spots with ED kids. RD is going to be a crapshoot at Stern. I personally know a lot of people with amazing stats (2300+, 3.8+) get rejected or wait listed at stern this past year and that was consistent with the rest of CC. </p>
<p>Show NYU how badly you want to go here and express why you fit in. </p>
<p>But if I was doing ED, everyone would want to get in really badly to Stern. But the writing part isn’t what I’m worried about: are my stats going to be standard? Also, I feel like my application pool is a bit skimmed, or that I’m not applying to enough colleges. Where else can I apply to? If I apply ED to Stern, would it be at least an LR?</p>
<p>Also, should I add Columbia to my list?</p>