Low GPA, Purdue Computer Science?

What are my chances with a low gpa (3.27 uw/ 3.57 w) with a 1400 new SAT (720 m, 680 cr) for Purdue’s computer science program?
I have a decent essay, mediocre EC’s, and am asian.
Rigor of Scedule: All honors, and 1 AP until Junior year, 4 AP’s senior year.


It seems that most kids who got into CS so far at Purdue had near perfect grades and 34/35 ACTs.

My son had slightly higher grades than you, but slightly lower ACT/Sat scores. He did not get in computer science, but was offered the wait list or an alternate major( which he picked). I would say you have a chance. It does seem like people applying to that program have really great scores and grades this year.

I have been really surprised at what it takes to get into Purdue’s engineering and CS majors this year. If you go to the EA thread you can see their stats. I guess I would agree with @3CsinLife

I’ll just mention that DD was just accepted to Purdue’s Comp Sci major.
Her GPA was 3.42 UW, 3.68 W
ACT: 35

I wonder if people (especially on CC) overestimate the importance of stats. Obviously they’re very important - but the rest of the app is important too…

…Why Purdue’s Computer Science is so hard to get… Is engineering easier to get in?

@EngrUnderApp They are almost neck-and-neck. It’s hard to say which one is easier to get in because both are equally most competitive majors in Purdue, both of which fields in Purdue rank within top 20 nationally.

If you are interested in Purdue’s computer science, here are some Q&A I got from chatting with college representatives of Purdue University:

Q: What’s the average GPA and SAT scores of the admitted applicants for Computer Science of College of Science?
A: 3.92 Unweighted, around 2100 SAT

Q: How about for Engineering?
A: About the same.

Q: When does scholarship come out?
A: Scholarships come out in Jan – Feb

Q: What’s the most competitive major in Purdue?
A: Most competitive majors are computer science, college of engineering

Q: How to avoid getting my admission offer rescinded?
A: We only rescind letters to those who have done poorly. we don’t have a specific number. It depends on how you do academically your senior year. Keep As and Bs to keep acceptance letter.

Thank you for your information… I am actually get into FYE but I am also really interested in CS… I do not know yet whether I will switch my major or minor/double major in CS. I asked some of my friends, they told me I SHOULD NOT double major in CS and engineering because of so much work I will get… Is that true? How about minor in CS or double major in Math? THANKSSSSSSS!

Apply to IU new school if Informatics.

I got into the computer science program! My stats are at the top, but yeah, this is amazing!

Congratulations! :slight_smile:
Problem solved … now, register for your favorite Living learning community ASAP (like, today), because those go really fast.

Do I have to accept my offer before I can apply to one of those? I’m not 100% sure Purdue is where I want to go, Im still hoping for Boston University…

You can deposit for housing already. Most people do that with their state school to secure housing.
Note that BU doesn’t “meet need” and often “gaps” pretty badly (in other words, students may get “admit/deny”, admitted but without enough aid to attend.)

Unless it’s changed, Purdue doesn’t give priority housing for people who deposit early–we didn’t accept Purdue until March and did the deposit then. Usually there is something about it on their site, so unless it’s now a first time situation, don’t worry about a housing deposit. My CS son is in the new honors dorm and it is fantastic–only about a block from the CS building.