Low gpa

<p>Can someone with a low unweighted gpa, like 3.7 or just under that, but a weighted gpa around 4.5, still get into UC Berkeley or UCLA? Along with high SAT scores, good but not great leadership, and the same for extracurricular activities? This is just in general; I know the admission process is more complicated and such. I'm afraid by the time college apps come next school year (I'm a junior) I will only have a 3.7 unweighted or even less. I do take challenging classes like AP and Honors, but then again so does everybody else it seems. Will I immediately be thrown out in the admissions process because my gpa is low?</p>

<p>Sorry, I know this has probably been asked before and who cares about my problems, but thanks in advance for responding.</p>

<p>A 3.7 is not a low uw gpa.</p>

<p>I myself have a GPA around a 3.7 and it’s not low at all ( though ofcourse I’ll be more suited with a 3.8+). There are many students who got accepted into UC’s with a 3.7 or even lower.
Yeah your chances may be lowered in getting accepted into top universities due to a lower GPA, but your chances are not ruled out.</p>

to freakchild- may i know the value for max GPA? Isn’t it over 4?</p>