Low test scores, high GPA and extracurriculars, what are my chances?

<p>I know a lot of people have asked a similar question but, i feel that everyone that has actually asked have relatively good scores like in the high 1900's and 2000's and low 30's on the ACT. Me on the other hand, i got an 1890 and a 28 on my ACT. I'm scared because a lot of the responses in the other threads are leaning toward: REJECTION. However I'm valedictorian of my class, i have been in acting for 3 years and been in most of my highschool plays, community service, interns, research, sports and a very rigorous curriculum. So what do you guys think?</p>

<p>I can’t guarantee anything, but I got in with a 29 ACT, and also tons of leadership/extra-curriculars. I was also a URM, though.</p>

<p>Because Pomona looks at the whole applicant and not just scores, etc., and because the College strives for a diverse student population, e.g., scores, I would encourage you to apply. Good luck!</p>