Lowest stats to get into UC

<p>What are your lowest Stats (GPA, ACT, SAT)</p>

<p>you got in to a UC</p>

<p>I want to know</p>

<p>Lol at this topic. The lowest stats aren't the most likely to get accepted but I had a 3.4 Unweighted and got into UCSD. </p>

<p>There should be a topic for the HIGHEST stat but then rejected lol.</p>

<p>Hey Haiku - you really need to chill out. You're spending way too much time on this forum.</p>

<p>Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 281 </p>

<p>that's gotta be a record.</p>

<p>I do?</p>

<p>Yeah, I pretty much do every night and every morning</p>

<p>It's something to do when I'm on seminars.</p>

<p>They are looooonnnngggg</p>

<p>I agree with Purest. Highest stats and rejected would be nice to see, but it'd definitely freak everyone out.</p>

<p>Lol, but you shouldn't tell someone you don't know to chill out.
Everyone's here for a reason, and everyone cares about things on a different level.
There are people out there who think everyone on this /website/ should just "chill out."</p>

<p>go on UC Statfinder and you can slice and dice numbers (by campus) all you want.</p>

<p>People I know who got rejected.
UCSD: -36 ACT... had alot of C's tho.
-4.4W, 2200 SAT
-4.3W,2210 SAT
UCB: 4.8W, 2200 SAT
4.4W, 2100 SAT
UCLA: 4.5W, 2060 SAT
A guy with a 4.2W and a 1990 SAT didnt get into UCB/UCLA/UCSD/UCI. Now at UCR.</p>

<p>Pretty much shows admissions can be VERY random at times.</p>

<p>I know someone who got into UCLA class of 2012 with a 3.6-ish GPA and 1900-ish GPA. Had two honors, two AP's, decent public school, in state, first generation college student, English major.</p>

<p>BUT this person was rejected from UCI!</p>


<p>Seriously, *** man, that's pretty kool though.</p>

<p>fun to read=]. it'll make me feel better when B/LA decisions come in haha.</p>

<p>BTW, I just found out that the person I mentioned earlier received the supplemental questionnaire regarding socioecnomic disadvantages. Whatever that person wrote to UCLA about being a poor first gen minority was BS (at least the poor part), but it looks like it made a difference since they got into LA and not Irvine.</p>

<p>^ If they lie then they should burn in hell for taking someone else's spot for UCLA</p>

<p>I mean it.</p>

<p>It makes me angry when someone says 'I'm poor, I can't do nothing"</p>


<p>^it's a risk ppl will take if they want to get accepted badly enough. dont like it ><</p>

<p>i think that 10% of applicants would get chosen to verify what they wrote for on their app. if they cant get by, then har har. if they dont get selected randomly, then they lucked out.</p>

<p>She didn't outright lie, it's just that she didn't have any disadvantages (from what I can tell). Her parents didn't have a good income, but her family was living with her grandparents, who have money saved up, but not a large income. So she had enough money to not be at any disadvantage, but it didn't look that way on the app.</p>

<p>relax. she'll flunk out within a year. problem solved :)</p>

<p>psycheycho- That's such a stupid thing to say, who are you to judge....</p>

<p>"Her parents didn't have a good income, but her family was living with her grandparents, who have money saved up, but not a large income. So she had enough money to not be at any disadvantage"</p>

<p>Did it ever occur to you that they were living with her grandparents because they WERE disadvantaged?.... What parents would willingly move their children into their parents' home...</p>

<p>You guys -do- realize that you need to perform in college, not just get in...</p>

<p>...um ^ very true.... Compared to PERFORMING in college... it was WAYYYYYYYY easier just trying to get in. HS and SAT's seem like a joke now.</p>

<p>indiowho? - I am fairly closely related to this person, therefore I know intimate details concerning her and her family's circumstances. Not to mention that she told me that she exaggerated the effect being "poor" (and a minority) had on her.</p>

<p>She's doing very well at UCLA. I didn't mention her story for any reason other than to clarify why she might have gotten into UCLA, and not UCI. I didn't expect people to be so upset, so I included more details in the hopes of quelling people's upset reactions.</p>

<p>I see how it might have appeared as if I was angry at this person, but since this is the internet, it would have been impossible to hear my intonation as I was typing those posts.</p>