Lowest stats to get into UC

<p>Lawcha - most colleges look at this differently. They are looking to create diversity in many ways. As an admissions person from Stanford said last year, they are not looking to select balanced people, but to select a balanced class. That is, they want a mix of people with different strengths, passions, skills and outlooks. </p>

<p>One of the aspects of diversity that most colleges practice is high school diversity - they do not want an incoming class that represents only the highest performance high schools. Many will limit the number the select from each high school, even if the rejected applicant is otherwise stronger than the people the pick from a different school. </p>

<p>The reality for most colleges, particularly the most sought after and selective ones, is that they have far more people who are 'good enough' and would do well than they have spaces in the class. Thus, the pick and choose to take the subset that is most valuable to them. If they need a tuba player to fill out a band spot, they might take the applicant over another with higher academic stats. In general, outside of those special people they are looking for, including athletes, they first establish some kind of cutoff of academic stats. However, they use a mix of class rank, standard test scores, GPA and their knowledge of the context of each high school to assess whether an applicant hits that minimum. if not, rejection. For those that are 'good enough', they then use the other diversity factors to decide how to build their incoming class that most reflects the mix they want. Having someone who is 'interesting' because they are totally into some EC adds to the quality of life for all students who get to interact with others in this broad class. </p>

<p>We are not even talking here of other kinds of diversity or social engineering, such as righting the wrongs of society by selecting less advantaged students over more privileged ones who have higher stats or even higher academic potential whatever that means. Throw in adjusting mix by ethnicity and sex as many schools appear to practice, and you get the reality today. You may not like it, but that is how colleges admit students today.</p>

<p>Lawcha-I realize I don't have the high test scores that schools, and students, would prefer, but I did work hard to get in that top 4% of my grad class. I didn't sleep through classes and get 'A's, i had to work for it. There is a mass amount of qualified students that deserved to get into schools this year that didn't. I realized that I probably would not have gotten into Davis if it hadn't been for being elc, but i can assure you, i will not take advantage of this opportunity. I took the SATs and ACTs a combined 5 times. I am not the greatest test taker. But, thankfully for elc, colleges noticed my persistent hard work in hs, and they didn't take those test scores into great account. I would hope that you end up in a place that fulfills all of your own college expectations, but i did want to set a couple of things straight.</p>

<p>I got into Berkeley with a 3.3 UC GPA, and 2150 SATI (680 and 700 SATII). I received the illness supplement, and I reported my senior first semester grades: UC 3.8 (3 A's, 2B's, 1 C, 3 AP's, one honors). I really don't think Berkeley puts that much weight on GPA, if I'm any indication.</p>

<p>"Quote me on this, Haiku won't get into Cal or LA. "</p>


<p>got into ucsb [only other uc i applied to was ucr.. and planned to attend anyway]
3.12 W gpa, 2.69 uw, 29 act, 1900 sat, 5 on ap eng, 3 on ap bio, 3 varsity sports [very heavily influenced how bad my gpa got], and 2 pretty bomb essays about how i did drugs for an entire year when i had a 2.17 for one of the semesters. went from 2.7/2.67 soph year to 3.5, 3.67 junior year
i think i did pretty well :]</p>

You big Jerk!</p>


<p>dude don't be such a d0uche and slap someone's rejection in their face</p>


<p>like I give a damn
Im going to the school I want</p>

<p>their loss</p>

<p>a university is not all that matters... there's a bigger world tht sephorazn person doesn't know a **** about</p>