lowish gpa, everything else good... chances?

<p>So, I’m currently a male senior from CT (fairly competitive public high school in one of the rich counties) I’m curious as to what you think my chances are?. School doesn’t rank, but id be right about the top 10%</p>

<p>asian (thai laotian vietnamese and indian... grab bag really)</p>

<p>Gpa - 3.4 UW, 3.8 W (huge upward trend, had a 3.3 or so weighted at end of freshman year)- last year, junior year, missed a month of school due to shingles + surgery, health problems explained by GC and me in additional info, which explains why my grades weren’t as good as they could’ve been in my junior year (4aps 3 honors schedule)</p>

<p>my senior year gpa (first year i can take ap classes(aps only start junior year) and am healthy all the way, i have a 3.5ish uw 3.9ish w with 3 ap classes in schedule)</p>

<p>I've taken the hardest classload in my school... 7 APs, 7 Honors... can only start taking APs junior year and only 2 honors each year for frosh and soph years...</p>

<p>Ive taken every history class at my high school, done some independent studies and audited classes to learn more</p>

<p>SAT – (730 M, 720 CR, 680 WR, 11 ESSAY)1450/2130
Math 1 - 720
Math 2 - 680
US Hist - 660</p>

<p>APS - 5,4,4,3</p>

<p>RECS - one who said I was best in 17 years, leader as a junior in a class meant for seniors... really really quality... two others who said similar things (when I got deferred from Upenn one of the other ones said that she had never called another school but Brown (shes a Brown alum) to complain about a kid not getting in but for me she might have to... lol)</p>

<p>ECS – have a lot, but these are most important/leadership stuff</p>

<p>-Editor of School Paper
-One of two students on regional board to talk about+fix problems of high school kids
-Capt Debate, 5th in state, several regional awards
-Won an award that is awarded to two students "for demonstrating excellence in academics and leadership in Community Service"
-School does this thing where you put your best writing together and its assessed… I tied for highest in school
-Second highest on AMC 10 in school, awards on state/natl Latin exams
-Went to Thailand to teach English
-in youth group of charity org that sends money to sponsor schools in Indian villages
-Varsity track/wrestling
-started own tutoring business</p>

<p>ESSAYS - very, very good</p>

<p>i only just applied today to college of letters and sciences</p>

<p>crouton, your stat is very competitive; so is your list of accomplishments. Your HS transcript may raise a quick red flag but I think you have addressed it in your application. So, your chance is definitely above 50/50. I only wish you have applied (way) earlier. At this point of admission cycle, there is more emphasis in filling the remaining spaces by admitting qualified students who show the most interest to attend. So don't let the admission assume that you are one of those apply-late-as-a-safety candidates.</p>