Loyola Chicago 2024 Decisions

Just checking in to see if anyone has made a decision. Our D is planning to go to Loyola Day next month.

Have you made a decision, what is it, and why? Please add your grade/score profile if you don’t mind.


It’s down to three possible choices for my D20 and Loyola is one of them. With her merit scholarship, it’s the most affordable of the three. If she gets the Ignatian scholarship she will go there – but I think it’s a long shot because we will be on spring break and can’t go to Loyola weekend, so she will need to do a Skype interview. Also, I’m not sure if this plays into the decision, but we aren’t Catholic

If she does go there, the pros are that it’s a great size, a great campus in a city she loves, has the program she wants (international business), we really like the well-rounded Jesuit curriculum, she will most likely be in the business honors program, and it’s not too close or too far from home.

If she does not, the cons are the gender imbalance, I’ve seen some discussion of them not being very flexible with study abroad options, concerns about how a non-practicing Jewish kid will fit in at a Catholic university, and one of her other options is harder to get into so she views it at more prestigious.

Stats – 34 ACT (superscore) / not sure of the exact GPA but it’s something like 3.9 unweighted and 4.1 weighted

Thanks Count2316. Curious about the concern over gender imbalance. I don’t have any information about M/F split. Would you mind elaborating a bit on the concern?

It’s something like 67% female.

Hi, just curious what your decisions were regarding Loyola Chicago. My son is very interested in the school (he’ll be a HS senior in the fall). Would be interested to hear what you decided and why…thanks.