Loyola chicago admission chances?

<p>hi, Do you think I will get in? here are my stats:</p>

<p>African American female
will be 1st generation college student
independent Catholic good academic all girls school
25 ACT....i am taking them again on oct 23rd....hoping for at least a 27. would be really pleased with a 29.
3.3 Weighted GPA
4 Years of math
3 Years of science (1 honors)
4 Years of language - spanish
5 years of English
4.5 years of social studies ( 1 AP [currently - AP Gov]) </p>

Stage Crew: 9th-12th grades lighting techie 11th-12th grades
World affairs club: 10th-12th grades
History club: 11th-12th grades
Model UN: 12th grade. co-founder
varsity track: 9th-12th grades
american coaster enthusiasts ACE ( roller coaster fan club): 8 years; ACE archives committee member: 4 years; spirit of ACE award recipient<br>
Community Service: 10+ years - average 3 nights a week for 3 hours a night
Altar server/acolyte: 7 years
youth delegate to the episcopal diocesan convention
worked at a summer camp this past summer
mercy volunteer program....week long service trip
freshmen orientation leader.</p>

<p>i wrote a pretty good essay (i hope haha.) I explained that i am not good at math - reason for my low gpa, and that i am not a good test taker. i said how much i wanted to go there, and blah blah blah all that good stuff and i should have pretty good teacher recs. </p>

<p>i am also applying to:
Northwestern ( 1st choice...i know so unrealistic. i know i'm not getting in)
NYU ( same as Northwestern basically)
DePaul (chicago)
University of Cincinnati
Xavier University ( Cincinnati)</p>

<p>thanks for reading. good luck to anyone else applying.</p>

<p>bumping…please chance me. thaanks!</p>

<p>you will without a doubt get into loyola. I had almost the same gpa (3.4) and exact same act score of 25 and i was accepted but ended up not attending. No worries you really will get in haha</p>

<p>northwestern is a toss up though. I’m guessing they will reject you but crazier things have happened. Your extra curriculars and service hours may get you into NW but prolly not.</p>

<p>thanks. yeah i’m not counting on northwestern at all. not even in the least. i got rejected from pitt, but i am going to try and appeal my admissions decision later this year.</p>

<p>Wow just a 3.4? Thats all u have to have ? I heard they had great dorms…</p>

<p>yeah i don’t think its that selective.</p>

<p>Avg. ACT score at Loyola is 27. The 25-75 split in ACT scores is 25-29. Avg. GPA is 3.7. 59% acceptance rate. </p>

<p>Basically, with your current score of 25 and a 3.4 gpa, you’re in the 25th percentile for the hard factors of college admissions. You have a lot of service hours, which is a BIG plus at any Jesuit university. I’d give you a 50% chance of acceptance. It really is a toss up.</p>

<p>Click on the top link of this page —> <a href=“http://www.luc.edu/ir/official.shtml[/url]”>http://www.luc.edu/ir/official.shtml&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You can see the most recent class’s stats on the right-hand side. </p>

<p>Collegeboard.com and collegedata.com are also good sites to chance yourself, but beware, unless those websites have updated within the last month or so, you may be looking at old data.</p>

<p>thanks jake.</p>

<p>rejected. probs because a girl from my school with way better grades than I have was accepted. that’s fine it wasn’t a top choice, and I was accepted into some other schools already including Duquesne with a 15k a year scholarship. (:</p>

<p>Congrats on the scholarship! Duquesne is a very good school. I had a cousin just graduate from there and he loved it!</p>

<p>Just curious about the Loyola reply…I’m kind of shocked you didn’t get in. Was that with your ACT score of 25, or did you get it up to the 27 you were hoping for and turn that in?</p>

<p>thanks jake! i got a 26 on my re-take of the ACT.</p>