<p>yes, this is true.</p>
<p>Yes, you can take extra classes or summer school classes @ your local Cc in an effort to raise your lsac gpa.</p>
<p>Think about it this way (not factoring in the rest of your grades):</p>
<p>for each F you received you will have to get an A to balance that one grade out to a C</p>
<p>for each F you received you will have to get 3 A’s to balance that one grade out to a B</p>
<p>for each F you received you will have to get 6 A’s to balance that one grade out to a B+</p>
<p>I would suggest putting your grades on an excel spread sheet can calculate the scenario of your current grades and add in if you were to get All A’s over the next 2 years </p>
<p>If your school uses the following scale</p>
<p>A =4
A- = 3.7 (use 3.6 because this is what the LSAC will give you)
B+ = 3.3
B = 3.0
B-= 2.7 (use 2.6 because this is what the LSAC will give you)
C+ = 2.3
C= 2.0
C- = 1.7 (use 1.6 because this is what the LSAC will give you)</p>
<p>Use grade * # of credits for each course = quality points</p>
<p>Assuming no grade replacements</p>
<p>example Term 1</p>
<p>B+ (3.3) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 9.9
B+ (3.3) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 9.9
C+ (2.3) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 6.9
A- (3.7) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 11.1
F (0) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 0</p>
<p>Total Quality points = 37.8
Divide the quality points 37.8 By the # of credits attempted (15)</p>
<p>your GPA for the term would be 2.52, Your credits earned would be 12</p>
<p>Term 2
B+ (3.3) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 9.9
B+ (3.3) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 9.9
C+ (2.3) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 6.9
A- (3.7) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 11.1
F (0) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 0</p>
<p>Total Quality points = 37.8
Divide the quality points 37.8 By the # of credits attempted (15)</p>
<p>your GPA for the term would be 2.52, Your credits earned would be 12</p>
<p>Overall Gpa after year 1 (37.8 + 37.8 ) = 75.6 total quality points
divide by 30 (total credits attemped over the 2 terms)
= 75.6/30 = 2.52 GPA for the past 2 terms</p>
<p>total credits earned 24</p>
<p>Term 3</p>
<p>B+ (3.3) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 9.9
B+ (3.3) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 9.9
C+ (2.3) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 6.9
A- (3.7) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 11.1
F (0) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 0</p>
<p>Total Quality points = 37.8
Divide the quality points 37.8 By the # of credits attempted (15)</p>
<p>your GPA for the term would be 2.52, Your credits earned would be 12</p>
<p>total after 3 terms
Quality Points =113.4
Credits attempted 45
GPA = 2.52
Credits earned 36</p>
<p>term 4</p>
<p>A (4) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 12
B (4) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 12
A (4) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 12
A (4) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 12
A (4) * 3 (# of credits for the course) = 12</p>
<p>Total quality points = 60
total credits attempted 15
term GPA = 4.0</p>
<p>Overall gpa (4 terms)</p>
<p>total QP = 173.4 (60 + 113.4)
total credits attempted = 60
Overall GPA after 4 terms 173.4/60 = 2.89
total credits earned 51</p>
<p>hope this helps (YMMV if you attend a school that gives grade replacements).</p>