LSAT hardest section

<p>Is there a general consensus about which is the hardest section? Obviously each person will be different, but is there a section more people struggle with than any other section, on average?</p>

<p>I find logic games the easiest (got a perfect on this section on both tests i took).</p>

<p>And then i missed a roughly equally proportionate amount on the argument and comprehension sections.</p>

<p>But from what i've seen online, people usually do better on argument and comprehension and worse on logic? </p>

<p>Just curious.</p>


<p>In general, people find the logic games section to be the most difficult simply because it requires test takers to perform tasks that are pretty unfamiliar and tricky to most. The good news is that you already seem well-prepared for the section that is usually most daunting. The bad news is that your improvements must be made on the two types of sections that are hardest to learn. Unlike coaching for the logic games section, there isn’t some formulaic approach to logical reasoning or reading comprehension. It’s a slower process by virtue of its relative subjectivity and variety.</p>

<p>Agree about logic games being the most difficult, at least from my personal experience. Also, relative difficulty may depend on temperament/personality type. “Thinking” types (rational processors) generally embrace logic games. “Feeling” types generally have more difficulty with logic challenges due to having to process too many circumstantial variables. Thinking types can usually see through the logic fog quicker and easier.</p>

<p>thanks for the answers guys. this whole thing is so new to me.</p>

<p>The answer to your question really depends on the person and how much he/she has studied. At the beginning, most people find games to be the toughest. Games are by far the most learnable though, and most people that study for several months become quite good at them. Both RC and LR are both less formulaic, but of the two RC is probably more difficult for most high scorers. RC performance really depends on skills that cannot be developed over just a few months.</p>