<p>Hey fellow LSM candidates I just wanted to say that if you (myself included) are accepted to lsm and attend lets reveal each others forum handles for fun. On another note I know that people exist who have applied to LSM. I seek interaction with those who are in my boat. Lets post here on a regular basis maybe even past Friday.
<p>At orientation we should all just put our forum names on nametags or something.</p>
<p>This is assuming we get in -.-</p>
<p>hinty hint anagram alias. Unrelated {LSM (LIfe sucks moveon)}, ~lsm=ouch!
(no sleep)(toil nonstop)<effort to=“” gain=“” entry=“” into=“” lsm=“”>manually debugging
Linux 2.8.</effort></p>
<p>good luck guys. we’re gonna need it. I wonder how many people applied…</p>
<p>How many does LSM usually take from the ED applicant pool?</p>
<p>around 20.</p>
<p>They take 15 ED, and then 20+ RD depending on number of applicants/anticipated yield.</p>
<p>i want to go to lsm badlyyy</p>
<p>My head is going to explode. Why do I tell you this? Because I can!</p>
<p>did anybody get in? i got deferred.</p>
<p>Congratulations to everyone who got in!</p>
<p>They only took 11 ED this year (from the US, at least). They’ll definitely take a lot more in the spring though, so don’t despair if you got deferred!</p>
<p>If any of you have questions about LSM, feel free to send me a PM (I’m in the program).</p>
<p>I was accepted as well. Don’t hesitate either!
theoneo pvt me!</p>
<p>Ooh sorry I should probably clarify - I’m a sophomore right now. I didn’t get in yesterday. :)</p>
<p>Thanks to all those LSM students who made calls the other night to incoming freshmen like myself</p>
<p>wha?? I got no such calls!</p>
<p>question about LSM… will i be able to do my pre-med courses if i am in this program/</p>
<p>they said it’s hard but possible to do pre-med courses. one admissions officer told me you might need to stay for summer courses for labs or something</p>
<p>i joined the lesbian sex mafia lsm check the third hit on google</p>