LSP acceptance!!

<p>Students accepted for LSP would be required to study one year abroad at NYU international campus's like prague, paris, london etc? Is it a requirement to study abroad for the freshmen year or can you chose the New York City campus?</p>

<p>Um… I dont know the answer to that. But did you get accepted to LSP?</p>

<p>Of course you can do it in Washington Sq!!! They offer LSP kids the opp. to go abraod though if they desire for their first semester</p>

<p>I did get into LSP and I’m really happy. But I really want to know is are you 100% sure that I can begin freshmen year in New York city campus? Coz the main reason I applied ED is coz I absolutely wanted to be in New York. Can someone please check?!</p>

<p>I am more than 100% sure :wink: :)</p>

<p>you’re required to spend a full year abroad? </p>


<p>I never heard of being required to spend any time abroad.</p>

<p>Congratulations on getting in.</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone who was accepted to the LSP program. It is a wonderful accomplshment.<br>
I am pretty sure You are not required to study abroad for LSP, but it is encouraged. I also got into the program and I am pretty excited. </p>

<p>I accepted my admissions online using my university ID # and i chose to attend the NYC campus for my first year of studies.</p>

<p>i’m almost positive that you’re not required to study a whole year abroad…that’s just the new global liberal studies program which one can apply directly to, not be be confused with lsp.</p>

<p>You don’t have to study abroad. I’m going to do the New York campus!</p>

<p>MAZEL TOV! I am quite jealous that you are in!</p>

<p>Thanks! But when I tried to accept my admissions online and tried to select my LSP campus site- it wouldn’t list the New York City campus! It only shows Paris, London and Florence- all great places but I really really can’t afford the housing and lifestyle at those places. Therefore, I HAVE to be able to select only the New York city campus!</p>

<p>You make it sound like New York is cheap. Haha…</p>

<p>I believe some freshman who got accepted into LSP have to study abroad because theres only so much room in the school. So I believe you do have to study abroad the first year.</p>

<p>hirokee, it’s best for you to call and inquire about this directly. There should be a phone number in your acceptance letter/package. In the past, international students who were accepted to what used to be called GSP, were required to spend part/all of their freshman year abroad in, I believe, Florence or London. Are you an international student? Congratulations on your acceptance!</p>

<p>for me it showed the washington square campus as an option.</p>

<p>hey guys, can you guys share your stats? I applied to NYU ED and I’m dying to know!!</p>

<p>Can anyone give me NYU’s contach number- Is it what I I found on the Contact Us website- (212)998 4500?</p>

<p>Yup that number is correct. I used it before =]</p>