Hi! I am very interested in NYU’s LSP. I am confused that which one should I apply as my first choice? If it helps, I’ll post my stats 
GPA: 3.4 UW / 4.0 W
SATs: 2250
SAT II- 630 US history and 590 Lit will take again if it helps me 
Rank- Top decile
School- Public HS in Texas 820+ graduating class
Senior year courseload: AP Lit, Envi science and European History (I LOVE HISTORY). Spanish III Honors, Astronomy, Stats and Government first semester, Economics second semester.
Race- Asian- Indian
President of a community service group, volunteer on the weekends at DMA and Dallas Holocaust Museum, Building sets for local theater (manager) (Total- About 100 hours)
Mock trial
A LOT of volunteering 
Summer internship at a law firm
Teen Court- juror
Relay4life member
Baby sitter for the weekends , dance teacher and teacher at an ESL school 
Dance- Ballet- 3 years and continued
Summer trip to Costa Rica- A lot of volunteering and teaching 
*Will be going to Peru this year for volunteering and exploring.
There is a lot more but I don’t think I need to post as much.
If it helps, I was not in the US for my freshmen year 
I don’t want to get “chanced” because I don’t think anyone can chance me unless there’s an admission officer for NYU out here. I just want to know which school is better for a first choice with my interest in History, law and volunteering 
Hi! LSP freshman here. I put CAS as my first choice with LSP as my second but was accepted into LSP. When my family and I were trying to figure out exactly what LSP was and why I was put into it instead of CAS, we called the admissions office and spoke to an officer/counselor (I’m not entirely sure what he was doing there tbh). He basically told us that since I had been in the IB program and my grades had demonstrated that I benefitted more from smaller classes and a more literature-centered core, I had been put into LSP to give me a chance to succeed.
My interests are very similar to yours, and I plan on transferring into CAS to study Political Science. I honestly think that as long as you have CAS and LSP as your top two, you’ll be fine with either. Are you applying ED? If not, you have a bit of time to do a lot of research into which would be a better fit. I recommend contacting the admissions office and seeing if they can give you any insight or resources.
@seeniebeenie Thank you so much for your reply! I really appreciate your help. I really want to study International Relations and Political science so for me, I think CAS fits more. No, I will not be applying ED because the acceptance rate for ED is same as the acceptance rate of regular decisions. I do really like LSP though, I like the idea of a liberal studies perspective of the world. However, I have never taken a smaller class because the school I go to has at least <30 children in every class. I do think that I will do good in a smaller class and in group descriptions. How did you like LSP overall? And was transferring to CAS hard? Did you get to travel to one of the NYU locations abroad as LSP promises? and what about financial aid? Sorry, I have a lot of questions but NYU really is my first choice school and I want to make sure I know everything before I apply. Thanks!