Lucky101 vs. Southeast Neighborhood Dorms

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I am an incoming freshman for Fall 2015 at UW. I have had people tell me both to live in Lucky101 and to stay in the dorms. If I stayed in the dorms I want to be in Southeast Neighborhood. I like the idea of Lucky and having my own space since I need to get good grades in order to get accepted into the business school, but I am worried that I will lose out on the freshman college experience and not meet people. Does anyone have any input on what would be best to keep up on coursework and get good grades but still have fun and meet people?</p>


<p>Chadbourne! </p>

<p>The other dorms and Lucky have more of a party reputation.</p>

<p>Plenty of kids in the business school started out in regular dorms. Plus, you need to learn how to manage distractions and stay focused anyway.</p>

<p>Save your money if Res Halls is cheaper. There are plenty of studious students at UW- the noisy ones get the attention. You can do fine in Res Halls and read past years’ threads for many discussions on both.</p>

<p>Parent of OOS UW student here – he lived in southeast and made great friends his freshman year. Yes, Sellery and Witte have party reputations, but there is also Chad and, a little more expensive but nothing like Luckie – Ogg and Smith. Listening to my son and his friends talk, there seemed to be some negative stereotypes about Luckie kids – the apartments are just so much more “deluxe” than anything else, it is not typical freshman living. You can always move into private housing after freshman year but my son wouldn’t trade the shared experience of his hall for more comfortable housing. </p>

<p>There is also a business/entrepreneurial residential learning community, if you are interested in living with a group of students in UW dorms who share your interests. </p>