<p>I am really confused and seriously considering between Luther College,IA and Providence College,RI. Do you guys have any ideas and comments for me. I really appreciate them.
P/s: my major is computer science and i will study at some graduate schools after graduating.
thanks a lot.</p>
<p>can anyone give me a idea please?</p>
<p>Two of my sisters graduated from Luther, so I am familiar with Decorah, the Luther campus, and the weather there. I know nothing about Providence College, or about Comp. Sci. at Luther. I do know that Luther has a good reputation for getting students into graduate schools, and is well respected throughout the Midwest.</p>
<p>All else being equal, you probably can safely choose the one that offered you the best financial aid package. If the aid packages are essentially the same, why not choose the one that is in the environment that is most different from where you have lived up to now? i.e. Choose the adventure!</p>