M.Ed - Full time Student and Teacher?

Has anyone completed their M.Education degree full-time while also working a full-time teaching job?

As an undergrad student I pushed through 8 classes in one semester once and it was tough but definitely do-able (I had time to meet and date my now-husband at the same time). I also self studied for my Teaching License Exam for about a month and passed on the first try. So I know I have drive. I’ve never been a Masters degree student before but is hoping to take 3 graduate-level courses each semester plus two for each summer session do-able? That would allow me to take all courses in a calendar year and only have my student teaching for another semester. So 3 semesters total.

I currently have no children and work in a school that requires minimal out of school-time so that’s why I’m wanting to get it done now - before those things change.

Thanks so much.

I think a couple of courses may be ok, but you may not have enough time and energy for several night courses during the week. I am glad you don’t have lots of school activities. I assume you found your early days of teaching very tiring, but now you don’t feel so tired. I would start slowly in graduate school ans see how it works with your teaching obligations. I agree you should get grad school done before life over takes you.