M & T, but what should my second choice be?

<p>There are so many amazing ways to apply to Penn; please help me figure out what I should do.</p>

<p>I love business, I love technology, and I love the business of technology. Google and Apple are fascinating companies. Entrepreneurship is fascinating. Investment Banking also interests me. I also love Penn, and want to get admitted somehow.</p>

<p>I have a passion for the innovation, strategy, and direction involved with running a tech company. I do not have interests in working strictly as an engineer or a programmer. I am very tech-literate, but I am assuming that any tech companies would expect me to have a good amount of formal technical knowledge.</p>

<p>Here are my options:</p>


M&T: This would be my favorite, exactly what I want. BS Economics + BAS Electrical and Systems Engineering. Mostly business, but a good amount of formal technical knowledge as well. Leaves all of my future options open.</p>

<li>second choice, either:</li>

<p>1 - Wharton: My current second choice... but that's open to debate. If I went here, what would my prospects be for the tech world? Would I have to get an MS in EE/CS to supplement my non-technical knowledge? Wharton is still an amazing option for IB and all of my other business interests, but it's so hard to get into that I might be foregoing my ability to attend Penn at all.</p>

<p>2 - SAS: My biggest chance of getting into Penn. Would I still be able to accomplish my educational/career goals here?</p>

<p>3 - SEAS: I do not want to limit myself to tech business / engineering, so this is not under heavy consideration at the moment... </p>



<p>How should I go on applying to Penn? What would be my best strategy?</p>

<p>I'll be applying through Questbridge, so ED is not an option.</p>

<p>ANY advice related to ANY of this would be so helpful, thanks</p>

<p>Well going from CAS to Wharton is a lot harder than the reverse. If you really want to go to business, apply to Wharton. If you go to CAS, you will most likley be struggling to try get a good GPA (3.7-3.8+) in order to have a chance to transfer.</p>

<p>Honestly if you are considering M&T then you should not even consider applying to the college. “Penn” is not that great of a place that you should sacrifice the actual curriculum (by studying something that is not your actual choice) just to get in.</p>

<p>For me, I knew I was applying to lots of engineering schools. Having Wharton as a 2nd choice was something to mix up the pot. </p>

<p>What you really need to figure out is whether you want to work in tech, entrepreneurship, or investment banking. They’re actually pretty different career paths.</p>

<p>Hmm I’m about the opposite of you. Most of my schools are business-related, but I love the business of tech and technology in general so M&T mixes up the pot. I’m also applying to MIT though, so studying management over there might have the same effect as M&T.</p>

<p>Yeah I wish I could figure out if I wanted IB / pure business or tech business. It would make things so much easier but I love them both! However I do know that I don’t have an interest to work as an engineer; I prefer the strategy of the business itself</p>

<p>You know if you don’t get into M&T, you can still do a dual degree right? It’s just a question of how much you want it.</p>

<p>In that case, you should make your second choice Wharton since it’s easy to apply for a regular dual degree with another school (never heard of anyone being rejected) from Wharton. On the other hand, if you’re applying for a dual degree from SEAS, you have to get into Wharton first</p>

<p>I know plenty of people rejected from M+T who got into SEAS. Not too many rejected from M+T who got into Wharton. If you want to study business apply to Wharton though.</p>

<p>alright so I think I’ll do Wharton as my second choice, it makes sense, thanks</p>

<p>how about with a dual degree in mathematics? would that be possible? would it also allow me to pursue a masters in engineering at mit/stanford should i decide to do that in the future?</p>

<p>Check out the prereqs for Master’s in Engineering programs. </p>

<p>A dual in math is significantly easier to accomplish with Wharton than engineering. For math you have to take 13 courses (12 if you have AP BC credit), 5 of which you could double count with Wharton courses.</p>

<p>great, wharton bs econ + sas bs math would leave all of my options open, because either way, those are two things I want to study highly.</p>

<p>if it’s enough background for a possible future master’s in engineering from mit/stanford, that would be perfect.</p>

<p>I’m not sure a math major would let you get into mit/stanford engineering…Like Venkat said, it’s really easy to do a dual degree with math</p>

<p>i’ll email mit/stanford and ask them if it would be possible from a math/econ dual degree</p>

<p>“I love the business of technology”</p>

<p>^^It seems like you are mainly interested in technology, so I would do SEAS. Or, you could apply ED to M&T and not have any second choice. ED to M&T definitely helps because I know someone who got in ED, who would definitely not have made it RD.</p>

<p>But it seems like your interests are really M&T, which is great!</p>

<p>^ well I can’t do ED because of questbridge, and I don’t want to be only an engineering major, so at this point I think I’ll do M&T first choice, Wharton 2nd. If I do Wharton, I’ll probably get a dual degree in Math.</p>

<p>I doubt I would get into M&T, it seems only SATs of 2350+ get in.</p>

<p>What kind of stats do you think are the average to enter M&T?</p>

<p>An engineering major is no small thing. It’s incredibly difficult, probably more so than a Wharton major.</p>

<p>But Questbridge might help you A LOT. Penn loves Questbridge kids: [QuestBridge</a> program helps talented, low-income students attend top colleges | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/17/2009](<a href=“http://www.philly.com/inquirer/front_page/20090517_QuestBridge_program_helps_talented__low-income_students_attend_top_colleges.html]QuestBridge”>QuestBridge program helps talented, low-income students attend top colleges)</p>

<p>ya, questbridge might help me but I hear you still need the stats regardless, if you’re trying for a school like penn.</p>

<p>I have a 2080 right now, 740 math +670+670, which probably puts me at an impossible position to get into M&T, even with QB…</p>

<p>It puts you in a very difficult position for getting into Penn, period. But Questbridge might be your ticket. Try to take the SATs again, and go for it. Best of luck!</p>

<p>2250+ is what I’m expecting, but admissions averages for M&T or even Wharton would be so useful. They don’t release any of that, do they?</p>

<p>You could always apply to SEAS and if you get in, take Wharton classes if you want…and if you do well you could always do a dual-degree (not M&T). there’s also an engineering entrepreneurship minor in seas which actually sounds very, very similar to what you’re interested in…</p>