
<p>hey guys, im new here so reading some random thread i got really confused really fast.</p>

<p>whats the difference between MArch, BA, BArch, and whatever other possible degree you can get? Which one is the 4 years undergrad + 2 years grad?</p>

<p>4 years undergrad + 2 years grad = B.A/B.S. in Architecture + M.Arch I
4 years undergrad (unrelated major) + 3.5 years grad = B.whatever + M.Arch I
5 years undergrad = B.Arch</p>

<p>In most states you can't get licensed unless you have a degree with ".Arch" at the end, whether it be a B.Arch or an M.Arch. If it's a B.Arch, you do not need to go to grad school. If it's a B.anything else, then an M.Arch is required for licensure in most states. An M.Arch II is a shorter program that is absolutely not necessary, but is one of many advanced degrees available to those with a B.Arch</p>

<p>BArch + 1.5 year MArch II = BArch/MArch</p>

<p>See <a href="http://www.marchtodarch.com%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.marchtodarch.com&lt;/a> for degree nomenclature explanations.</p>