M10 2021 Stats/EC Thread

Accepted: Loomis Chaffee, Concord Academy, Westminster
Rejected: None
Wait listed: Exeter, Andover, Middlesex, Hotchkiss, Choate
Likely Attending: Loomis, unless I can get off Exeter waitlist

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 2175, only sent to MX, Concord,Loomis,Westminster
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.8 I think
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats:

    -Scholastic Gold Key Aware
    -State of CT CAAS award

Can speak Mandarin
Currently learning Spanish
Debate and Creative Writing EC courses
Presidents Award of Academic Excellence

• Interviews: All went ok, except for Choate interviewer. (I could tell didn’t like me and had little interest. Not impressed with my candidacy) Exeter interview went especially well, and interviewer liked me. Loomis interviewer was late, maybe that’s why they admitted me lol.
• Essays: Pretty good, spent lots of time
• Math Rec: Blind, teacher hates me but I have the highest score in my honors class
• English Rec: Blind, teacher barely knows me
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Very good. Teacher likes me
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Very good. Counselor interviewed me and liked me
• Sports (if any): Tennis, Cross Country, Casual Skiing
• Instruments (if any): Saxophone and Piano
• Other ECs (if any): Debate, Creative Writing
• Hook:

Location/Person: CT,
• State or Country: USA
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strengths: Deep passion for art


Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Accepted because they were my safety schools. Waitlisted because I didn’t score high ssat and barely many awards

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Accepted: Deerfield, Vermont, Walnut Hill and Groton School
Rejected: Andover, Exeter, Loomis, Suffield, Hotchkiss, AHF, Lawrenceville, Taft, Blair, The Hill, and St Paul
Wait listed: Berkshire, Choate, St Mark, NMH, Westminster
Likely Attending: Deerfield

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: a 8,5 out of 10
• Rank: 1

• Interviews: 10/10 - except for my Andover interview where I got too cocky, I literally was amazing in all of them. My Deerfield interview was the best though - she said she would vote for me for president :slight_smile:
• Essays: 10/10 - college level essays.
• Math Rec: 8/10
• English Rec: 10/10, she explained my passion for education and how I am revolutionary.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 8/10
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 10/10, 3-pages recommendation explaining all of the contribution I did for my school community
• Sports (if any): Volleyball school captain, Soccer striker
• Instruments (if any): Piano and guitar
• Other ECs (if any): Founder of a major non-profit (raised 5K), president of Student Government (raised 60K), Teen Advisor for an United Nations Foundation organization (raised 7K), theater director/writer… A bunch of other stuff but those are the ones that really stand out.
• Hook: Being a major activist in my country

• State or Country: South America
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Afro-Latina Jew
• Gender: Non-conforming
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age: 17
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: In need for a full-ride

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Two reasons 1 - repeating two grades (even though I have a great explanation for it, which involved community violence) and 2 - financial aid. For Deerfield, my interview was a major factor as well as my essays - the whole committee and Dean loved me and it’s not even a joke. If you’re an international and low-income, please do put all your efforts on your interviews and essays.


Accepted: Hotchkiss, Kent, loomis, wra
Rejected: Andover, Exeter
Wait listed: Choate, Deerfield, Lawrenceville, Berkshire
Likely Attending: Hotchkiss

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0/4.3
• Rank: 1 or 2/300ish
• Other stats: I think 3 honors classes

• Interviews: Andover and Exeter were pretty bad but I think the rest were good. I thought my best were Deerfield, hotchkiss, and Kent but idk
• Essays: I had to write like 40 so they were kinda rushed cause I procrastinated. I’m a pretty strong writer tho
• Math Rec: pretty good I think. It was blind so idk but I’m pretty good in that class
• English Rec: lowkey thought it would be better but I read it and it was kinda bad
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: hopefully good. I had two, one from my band director and one from my stuco advisor. Really good relationship with band director and in stuco for 3 years so hopefully good
• Principal/Counselor Rec: ehh I think okay she seems to like me so idk
• Sports (if any): basketball (8 years) and rugby (2 years)
• Instruments (if any): percussion for 4-5 years. First chair pretty good
• Other ECs (if any): Girl Scouts for like 8 years and climate action coalition
• Hook: idk I’m pretty well rounded

• State or Country: Ohio us
• Current School Type: public
• Ethnicity: white
• Gender:female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age:14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: full pay

Strengths: pretty advanced classes, strong musician, well-rounded

Weaknesses: I did get like 1 c in sixth grade, I’m not amazing at sports or anything I just enjoy playing

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
Honestly I’m pretty surprised I got into Hotchkiss but I was somewhat expecting the others. I really wanted Deerfield and Exeter but I understand that was out of reach. Im really hoping that this will be an opportunity for growth so we’ll see how it all plays out

M10 is only 2 weeks away!!! SO feel free to post your prep school decisions on this thread!

The official 2022 prep school stats/ec’s thread. Credit goes to @atria and @ChoatieMom for the format

**Note: this thread is FOR RESULTS ONLY! Any commentary (congratulations, commiseration, etc.) shall only be spoken about on other threads. (Namely the Official 2021 Freakout Thread)

Format (copy & paste all thing below):
Accepted: Deerfield
Rejected: Exeter, Andover
Wait listed:
Likely Attending: Deerfield

• ACT:34, PSAT: 1430, SAT: 1460
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.17
• Rank: ?
• Other stats: gifted program

• Interviews: Deerfield was the best, clicked with interviewer.
• Essays: Pretty good.
• Math Rec: blind
• English Rec: blind
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: blind
• Principal/Counselor Rec: blind
• Sports (if any): dance pre-professional level
• Instruments (if any):
• Other ECs (if any): typical variety of school clubs
• Hook: dance

• State or Country: PA
• Current School Type: Public Cyber Charter
• Ethnicity: W
• Gender: F
• Grade Applying For: repeat 11
• Age: 16
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Needed significant FA

Strengths: Interview, test scores, grades, and dance

Weaknesses: needing financial aid

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? I think the Deerfield acceptance had to do with how well the interview went, and the dance video submitted. Rejected maybe due to needing financial aid.


General Comments:
Please do NOT post your stats/ecs until you receive

There’s a great thread trying to capture the data around admissions results.

There are already about 1500 application results, but it likely represents less than 10% of results. If you have the chance, please take a minute to fill out the confidential google form.

Would be great to get real data on the process! It’s not as detailed as this thread (focuses on acceptances/waitlists/rejections for the top 30 or so schools)

Click here to fill it out.

Accepted: Kent, Taft
Rejected: Andover, Exeter, Hotchkiss, Choate
Waitlisted: Peddie, Lawrenceville
Likely Attending: Taft

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 72nd %ile SSAT (2130) — only submitted to Lawrenceville
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 97.1286/100 (weighted; school does not calculate UW)
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: athlete, black lol

• Interviews: Amazing! I think my personality makes up for my lack of interview skills.
• Essays: I was pretty proud of the majority of them tbh.
• Math Rec: Blind — I don’t think she likes me but I had to get the rec out of her.
• English Rec: Amazing — he really likes me and he’s just a kind person!
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Really good — got one from my chem teacher (third teacher rec) and my old recreational LAX coach.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Knows me pretty well — we’re on good terms haha.
• Sports (if any): JV lacrosse and rec volleyball
• Instruments (if any): n/a
• Other ECs (if any): Community service, Days for Girls (organization that provides feminine products to women in need and educates members of the group), Mock Trial, and Debate
• Hook: I travelled a ton internationally (pre-COVID) so I considered myself “worldly” and I’m black and relatively smart.

• State or Country: NJ, USA
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: African American
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: Repeat 10
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA

Strengths: Interviews for sure. I also think I write very well, so I’m sure they enjoyed my essays!

Weaknesses: I had a 74 in chem first MP this year, ouch.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

I think I was accepted to schools because my personality really shined through in my interviews, I like to think of myself as a kind, genuine person! I also think my essays were really good. I think I was rejected/waitlisted because there will always be people who are better (and I dont mean that as a self-hatred thing, I mean it as inspirational, I guess :skull: — to push me to work harder!)

You do indeed write beautifully! Congrats on your acceptances!

Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I recognize your username from other threads, and I really enjoy reading about your insight on things, so I’m fan-girling, haha. Enjoy your day!!

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Accepted: Exeter, Groton, Choate, Webb
Rejected: None
Wait listed: Andover, Cate, Lawrenceville, Deerfield
Likely Attending: unsure

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 96-99 percentile on ISEE
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: Unweighted -4.05
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats:

• Interviews: All I think were really good except for Lawrenceville. The interview was very awkward, and the conversation felt a little forced.
• Essays: I really like mine. I wrote about debate, my grandfather’s influence on me, and some other topics.
• Math Rec: It was really good - she really likes me and put the highest option on all of the categories
• English Rec: Blind: I think it was good
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Really good - it was my debate coach
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Really good
• Sports (if any): Taekwondo for 6.5 years (not sure if that’s a sport). Testing for 3rd degree black belt in May 2021
• Instruments (if any): piano(Level 6 CM)
• Other ECs (if any): Tutoring through my church, debate - biggest one by far
• Hook: Full Pay

• State or Country: CA
• Current School Type: Private
• Ethnicity: Caucasian
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strengths: Interviews and I think stats in general - especially in debate. These were really strong.

Weaknesses: This year was very competitive and there were a lot of qualified applicants applying. Some of my essays also could’ve been written better.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

I think I was accepted to Exeter because I really demonstrated in my interview how the Harkness style of learning would benefit me because I really like debate. I really tried to make that clear in my interview and essays. I think I was accepted to Choate because of my interview and just accomplishments overall. I think I was accepted to Groton because of my interview and also of my love for debate. Exeter was a total shock. I thought if I got into one of the Phillips - it would be Andover.

I think I was waitlisted at Andover and Cate simply because there were so many qualified students applying this year. I thought I might get into Lawrenceville because I would be legacy, but I think my interview ruined that chance. However, I thought I would get into Deerfield as my interview was really good, and the interviewer acted like I would be accepted.

Accepted: Exeter
Rejected: None
Wait listed: Andover, Choate
Likely Attending: Exeter

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: na
• Rank: na
• Other stats: CTY SET and Davidson young scholars

• Interviews: Good.
• Essays: ok.
• Math Rec: blind
• English Rec: blind
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: blind
• Principal/Counselor Rec: blind
• Sports (if any): multiple years swimming. (non competitive)
• Instruments (if any): piano, clarinet. (non competitive)
• Other ECs (if any): many years Art and some other clubs.
• Hook: none.

• State or Country: NY
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: F
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strengths: Academic Potential. (Adding Potential since although we have high scores and some certifications but school courses selection are not advanced.)

Weaknesses: EC/Community Service. ORM and OR geographically. Relatively young.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? I guess most Boarding schools wanted well rounded candidates. Exeter might value more on academic side at higher resolutions.
I wrote this to add a data point for those SET/DYS kids considering Boarding school option.

Accepted: Brooks, Kent
Rejected: None
Wait listed: Exeter, Deerfield, Middlesex, Loomis
Likely Attending: Kent

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
• Rank:
• Other stats: doing 2 online classes

• Interviews: Brooks and Kent: 10/10 Middlesex 6/10 Loomis and Exeter 7/10 Deerfield 2/10
• Essays: Pretty good, one of them was rushed
• Math Rec: rly good
• English Rec: ehhhh it was from last year so it was okay
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: from my best friends mom so rly good
• Principal/Counselor Rec: eh probs ok
• Sports (if any): field hockey, lax, volleyball
• Instruments (if any): piano, cello
• Other ECs (if any): lots of community service and I drove this and made it clear that it was not my parents idea oh and my art
• Hook: idk??

• State or Country:
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: White
• Gender: female
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: 20-30% aid


Art and probs my longing to try new things. I really made it clear i would take advantage of all the school has to offer etc.


Uhhh i honestly don’t think there was any weaknesses per say (i am not trying to sound bratty) but due to the fact that there was just so many applicants this year. i really don;t think anyone has anything wrong with their applications I really think it is if the school thinks ur a good fit. I also really believe that you will get in where u need to be and u are going on the right path of where u need to be going!!

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I think i was accepted cuz I really wanna try new things and am very open to trying new things and I was accepted where I really wanted to go!
I think I was waitlisted cuz there was so many people and I didn’t really show as much interest with the other schools as I did with my acceptions.

General Notes:

Congrats to everyone and just remembers you will go where u are supposed to go! This is a very exciting time and even if you didn;t get in anywhere the process was very eye opening!

Congrats everyone!

Accepted: None (M10), Brentwood College School in Canada (April)
Rejected: Hotchkiss, Lawrenceville, Andover, SPS, Deerfield.
Wait listed: Milton, Middlesex, Thacher, Groton, Choate, Exeter, Cate.
Likely Attending: Brentwood College School in Canada

SSAT: 97% (V98% Q96% R86%).
ISEE: V9 R7 Q8 M9.
SAT: 1500 (RW720 / M780).
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 98% (Unweighted).
• Rank: My school does not rank.
• Other stats:
-CTY Double SET (math, verbal), Grand Honors (math). Davidson Young Scholars (qualified scores; pending admission)
-NHD: Outstanding Affiliate Award (USA Final), 1st Place (Korea), 3rd Place (Korea) (all individual).
-Chess: Nationally Ranked 2nd in U-12 (individual), National High School Champion Team (as the only middle schooler of the 4-member team).

• Interviews: Choate and Exeter were the best - the interviewers themselves were amazingly interesting and kind, and I had such fun talking with them. Cate, Groton, Middlesex, Thacher were great as well. Milton was nice, if brief.
• Essays: Very risky. I chose topics that were interesting to me but might have been esoteric and boring, such as Enigma, the German code I researched.
• Math Rec: No idea.
• English Rec: No idea.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: No idea.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: No idea (Principal).
• Sports (if any):
-Basketball (2013-2021): National Club Champion (8 times) and individual MVP (Point Guard). (Submitted a highlights video.)
-Taekwondo: Triple Black Belt.
• Instruments (if any):
Violin: 1st awards in multiple National Music Competitions as soloist. (Submitted a recording of Sarasate.)
• Other ECs (if any):
-Painting: Special Judge Award, National Art Competition.
-MUN Administrator, SEOMUN.
-Writing: Honorable Mention, Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Honors, Choate Writing Workshop.
-Student Council Secretary.
-School Orchestra First Violin.
-School Basketball Team.
-School Cross-Country Team.
-Belief: Follower of Shaun King (Petitioned for/since Rodney Reed) and #Black Lives Matter.
• Hook: None.

• State or Country: Korea
• Current School Type: International School
• Ethnicity: Korean
• Gender: M
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA (Partial)

Strengths: Have diverse interests. (Well-rounded.)
Weaknesses: Have diverse interests. (No spike.)

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
This year was a very difficult year, with many uncertainties. I did what I could with what I had, but I came a bit short.

General Comments:
I learned much from this experience. I realized how human and detailed the admission process is. Some interviewers were amazingly encouraging to me; I received their kind replies even after I did not make the acceptance list! Competing with some of the best applicants in the world at this age made me realize how lucky I am, and proud of the Korean education I received for having placed me on 7 great waitlists. I hope more Korean students, with confidence, will apply and challenge themselves in the future. In my effort to show who I am, perhaps I have really discovered who I am.

Note 1: I took the SAT above (1500) after M10 to qualify for summer programs. For my application, I have submitted my previous SAT (1420) with which I qualified for SET. I do not think SAT would/should make any difference, but I have updated the schools with newer result anyway.
Note 2: All mentions of “National” in the above mean South Korea.


Are you attending Andover?

As it turns out, no. “Amerikid” chose Hotchkiss!

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awesome choice! congrats!

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Accepted: Loomis, Hill, Lawrenceville
Rejected: Exeter, Groton
Wait listed: Deerfield, Choate, Hotchkiss, SPS
Attending: Hill

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: did not take
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.01
• Rank: school does not rank
• Other stats: honor roll every semester, NJHS, Club/travel athlete multiple sports, “varsity” athlete at school (it’s called varsity but I mean hey, it’s middle school)

• Interviews: all were pretty good except for SPS -interviewer admitted she didn’t even look at my DS file and knew nothing about him, proceeded to read about how the school is committed to DEI from a script and asked if he had any questions about that then could not answer a single specific question he had about SPS programs he was interested in. Very awkward. Turn off. Also Choate, the interviewer was like talking to a brick wall, no emotion or reaction, same way with parent interview.
• Essays: great. worked on them for like 6 months revising
• Math Rec: blind but in advanced math class, had highest grade in class
• English Rec: blind but she said she’d write a “glowing” review
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: for personal he had a previous English teacher who was also his advisor that year and for extracurricular he had his lacrosse coach
• Principal/Counselor Rec: our principal is “interim” so he interviewed DS to get some info so was probably nice but not very specific or personal
• Sports (if any): ranked tournament tennis player, varsity tennis also, club lacrosse, travel ice hockey (all seasons were suspended for a year due to Covid restrictions in Los Angeles county so we had to just make videos of practices–kind of a let down)
• Instruments (if any): none
• Other ECs (if any):
• Hook: it seems FP and coming from California are not actually hooks. lol

• State or Country: California (small town in Los Angeles County)
• Current School Type: private day
• Ethnicity: white
• Gender: M
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay

Strengths: Competitive athlete in multiple sports

Weaknesses: no arts, school does not have honors or higher level courses so pretty basic for applying to places like Exeter, Groton, etc., also since competitive sports were canceled in Los Angeles for so long we didn’t really have the opportunity to show highlight reels or any recent stats

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
DS was not surprised to be rejected at Exeter and Groton and honestly both were not at a fit for him we realized as we learned much more about these schools and their culture but figured why not apply. As for waitlists all I can guess is that this year it turned out there were so many more applicants and it was just that much harder to get in when many kids have the same stats. He did have a great interview at Hotchkiss and was contacted fairly aggressively by one of the coaches so we were surprised at that waitlist. For the schools he got into, we became interested in Hill while he was in seventh grade and met many people there and made great connections and stayed in touch. I think that helped show our great interest. For Loomis, he had a great and creative application so maybe that put him over the edge on that one. At Lawrenceville we had a big connection (alumni). As for why he chose Hill, he loves the formal dress, the sit down meals and tradition (kind of the fantasized image of what we picture boarding school to be back east) but mostly it was the people, the outreach and the warm feeling we got that made both DS and us parents comfortable. Also the in person visit and the ability to schedule a call with the headmaster sealed the deal.


Accepted: Deerfield, loomis, SAS, sgs, St.Matks, Westminster, peddie, hill, mercersburg

Rejected: Kent
Wait listed: hotchkiss, SPS
Likely Attending: Deerfield

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 2260 ( 95%)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: A
• Rank: Don’t know
• Other stats: swimming, cross country

• Interviews: all good except Peddie
• Essays: Good
• Math Rec: strong
• English Rec: Strong
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Strong
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Strong
• Sports (if any): Running swimming
• Instruments (if any): violin
• Other ECs (if any): public speech
• Hook: Sports

• State or Country: NY
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: boy
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA

Strengths: Well rounded, high GPA , strong at running, strong recommendation

Weaknesses: no academy reward

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

Hooked with coaches about running, can make varsity at both sports. Strong at academy, arts ( profile of solo and drawing) and sports ( update time with coaches)


Accepted: Peddie, Blair, SAS, Kent
Rejected: Taft
Waitlisted: PEA, Loomis, Middlesex, Hotchkiss, SPS
Likely Attending: Blair

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT 94% gender-adjusted
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.85
• Rank: NA
• Other stats: NA

• Interviews: Solid
• Essays: OK, excellent writing but hard to get passionate about the prompts
• Math Rec: Good
• English Rec: Probably Excellent
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Good
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Probably very good
• Sports (if any): 2, Indistinguishable
• Instruments (if any): Piano, nothing special
• Other ECs (if any): stage managing theater, newspaper, speech
• Hook: none

• State or Country: CT
• Current School Type: private
• Ethnicity: White
• Gender: M
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age:14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strengths: Well-rounded
Weaknesses: Nothing stands out, not an athlete at all.

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Accepted: Westover
Waitlisted: Miss Porter’s, St. Mark’s, Concord Academy, Putney, Middlesex, NMH, Brooks
Rejected: Hotchkiss
Attending: Westover '24!!

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: I ended up submitting my 97%ile (I did take the SSAT this year but it ended up being worse than a 97%ile so I didn’t submit it)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0/4.5
• Rank: NA
• Other stats: NA

• Interviews:
One great (Putney), most were average, and a few that weren’t the greatest (Hotchkiss and Middlesex). Overall, I think they could have been better. My social skills have definitely deteriorated since the pandemic and I was much less charismatic that I might have been last year. I do think some of the stories I told were impressive, but they weren’t extraordinary or exceptional.

• Essays:
I put most of my energy towards these this year. And I think they turned out great! They weren’t the best writing, of course, but I feel that they represented who I am. A few days ago, I had to use some of my essays for a summer program I applied to and surprisingly, I wasn’t super embarrassed by what I had wrote (which I think says a lot). I had a few people look over them and got generally positive feedback. My only regret is leaving some of the editing for the last minute. Some of it ended up being rush but I don’t think it will have impacted the quality too much.

• Math Rec: Probably good! The way our math class is structured this year has very little teacher-student interactions, but I don’t think I’ve left a negative impression on my teacher.

• English Rec: Also probably good. At the time he submitted it, I hadn’t had the chance to talk in class and I don’t think I was too passionate about what we were learning. Still, I don’t think it was negative.

• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: I asked the same person I did last year and I think I know this recommender the best. So hopefully really good! I ended up asking one of my student council advisors.

• Principal/Counselor Rec: This year I asked my principal since I don’t know my guidance teacher at all. I think this one will be really good as well! She also acts as a student council advisor from time to time and I think she likes me.

• Sports (if any): None! My school doesn’t have any and club sports haven’t been an option.

• Instruments (if any): Recreational guitar

Other ECs (if any):

  • Executive Council Member (by appointment; PR Outreach)
  • Yearbook (by application)
  • Mid-level administrative position on an online NPO
  • Sewing projects
  • Longboarding
  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • Autonomous Robotics Club

• State or Country: NH, USA
• Current School Type: Public Charter
• Ethnicity: Asian American
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Significant Financial Aid

Strengths: Definitely my essays and my stats.

Weaknesses: Mainly having a lot of average aspects of my application. Interviews, as I said before. My recommendations were definitely just average for people in the boarding school crowd. I think my extracurriculars were pretty average as well. And being an ORM and needing a lot of financial aid as a new sophomore was definitely a weakness.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

Though I can’t be sure, I think my financial aid had a lot to do with my decisions. At Putney, I asked and they told me that they couldn’t afford to give many students large amounts of financial aid. I like to think that in a non-pandemic year, or if I was applying as a new freshman, that I might have had more choices because my above average essays could have pushed the rest of my average application into the accept pile. But maybe because I was applying for sophomore year in a crazy year for applications, the bar was raised and my need for financial aid brought my application further down. But really, who knows! This is just what I’ve been thinking.

Also, a part of my financial package for Westover included a few thousand dollars from a regional scholarship, which the other schools didn’t have. I thought that this scholarship might have made me a more likely candidate because they didn’t have to pay as much to get me to go? Again, who knows, just guessing.

Some advice:

Widen your net!!! Apply to a lot of schools!!! I spent months crafting my list, making sure that every school I would be happy at. Though I had some doubts later into the application process (particularly about Westover and Brooks), I’m very very VERY glad I kept them.

And I also think it’s important to focus a lot more on the personal aspects of your application, like your essays and your interview. Academically, I remember hearing from a Porter’s AO that they consider the teacher recommendations the most, then tests and grades. I don’t know if that’s true with other schools, but just in case it is (and even if it isn’t), make sure to be friends with your teachers!

Since March 10th, I’ve done a lot of research on Westover, visited the campus, and found a bunch of Westover Instagram meme accounts. Everything I find and learn furthers my enthusiasm for the school and I wholeheartedly believe I will love it there. I’m super super excited for the fall!