M10 Freakout Thread 2017

@nico.campbell same… Every time the AO posts about admissions and signing letters or something it crushes me because I’m wondering “did they sign one for me?” “What do they think of me?” Etc. Shivers

What’s the account? Curiosity getting me (though we didn’t apply to Andover!).

@sunnyschool The social media account :wink:

Wow. My timer says we have 1 day 5 hours and 50 min until M10!!!

Out of curiosity, has anyone who registered for the USPS tracker service received a notification? :-SS

Not saying I’m registered or anything – just curious! I don’t want to be behind the curve/missing anything!

Good luck to everyone!

@sunnyschool it’s andoveradmissions on Instagram

@nico.campbell @HhopefulFforSsuccess2021 me too!! Even though I have post notifications on for her posts, I still check it too often just in case

My countdown is getting closer, too @ivyprincess1 . Also no, I’m sorry @AECDH20 , but I know it’s nerve racking (is that a saying?) until you see those emails and packages in person! Who is staying up late night of March 9? It feels a lot like holidays, waking up early, except presents = admission decisions. I hope I don’t get coal.

@booksandfries OOH, OOH! ME ME, I am. I have one school giving me my decisions at Midnight EST and another at 6AM EST. So, I won’t be getting any sleep!

Sameeee I don’t think people understand the rush of nervousness :(( :))

AHHHHHHHH!!! Maderia just updated their website and added the new girls section. Guessing that means packages are going out? I’m so nervous!

It’s taking a lot of self control not to look

Oh lord the anxiety is taking control… Honestly; I’m a wreck. I reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally want to get into Andover or Choate but I don’t think I’ll get into either :((

I don’t know if I should open the letters right away, or wait until after school, cuz I don’t want a rejection to ruin my day, but at the same time, I’m so impatient.

I’ve been having stress induced fits. Like I can’t control it. If I even think about the decision day, I’ll freak out. I know it doesn’t help to do this, just so worried.

Are you going to Madeira? My friend is as a day student!

(The day student results came out a week early)

@Unkempt-Couth I completely understand… I’m the same way. Honestly, I was so calm up until last night when the panic began.

UGHHHH! I thought I might get postal mail today for the school I’m applying to, but it looks like it will probably be tomorrow. I’m just so distracted; all i can think about is admissions decisions. I even postponed my bday until after M10! Lol. :-SS

i’m so worried everyone around me doesn’t feel the heat right now :frowning: