M10 Freakout Thread 2017

What am I even supposed to do tomorrow? I already know it will be the longest day of my life…

Me too… @ivyprincess1 I have so many grades but I can barely concentrate!!

Ikr!! I don’t even know what to do with myself at this point. I keep talking about boarding schools this and boarding schools that. I’m a nervous wreck. :-SS

Same @booksandfries . I just can’t stop talking about it. And it doesn’t help that at least 100 people at my school know that I’ve applied and are all expecting me to get in. They have no idea how hard the prep school admissions process is. I had to explain to them what a boarding school is. LOL! :wink:

When A & E on Instagram posts welcome videos to the accepted students and you scroll past in fear you’ll somehow become more stressed about the outcomes…


I should stay off of social media for the next few days…

Looking at Andover’s Instagram gives me so much anxiety :-S

^me too

@SeattleDreamer I honestly am checking the account every two minutes…

M10 for Andover is (acc. to my countdown) 1 day and 16 hours away- less than 2 days is soo crazy. I feel like we’ve been waiting for like 5 years but it’s finally coming and soon I’ll be able to finally regain a (relative) peace of mind…

@SeattleDreamer my countdown app is so close it feels almost surreal. Now I don’t know what to feel, like it’s way too close to stress out but it’s exactly the right amount of time to start freaking out. Omg, IT IS MARCH 9th!!! :smiley:

I was doing so great. Not stressing. Enjoying This is Us and then BAM a package notification smack dab in the middle of several schools where she applied. I have to have them on due to high package theft in my neighborhood but they are killing me with M10 looming.

@booksandfries IKR?? There’s only ONE MORE DAY- after like 3 months of waiting it’s time for the inevitable freakout :wink:

Who else is going to wake up super early tomorrow to check their decisions? I’ll wake up at 6:30. I really can’t believe it’s M10 tomorrow:-/

We can make it to M10!!!

I’m going to wake up super early tomorrow. I still can’t believe it’s tomorrow…:expressionless:

One. More. Day!!! I’m waking up extremely early, and I probs will be talking on here like crazy!

I invite all College Confidential community members to the funeral of my refresh button.

@livesk8dream I will be there. Stay strong, my friend.

Hahahahaa were all in this together :)) :-"