M10 Freakout Thread 2017

I hope everyone will post results tomorrow on the results thread, however favorable, neutral (Ie, WL) or even if disappointing. I think it will help others see patterns in the “data”, and support our CC friends here.

Best of luck to everyone - 24 hrs or less now!

Good luck everyone. Treat yourself well today…try to sit back and relax! :slight_smile:

Best wishes to everyone! Remember that what ever happens - good or bad - this certainly doesn’t define you.

Any school would be lucky to have such mature, ambitious, and articulate students such as all of you. Good luck!

Best of luck to everyone tomorrow. Regardless of the results, you (or your student) will no doubt bloom where they are planted!!

Good luck everyone! I’m rooting for you all, especially those willing to wear their hearts on their sleeves. And thank you to all of the students and parents who have been through this before and have back to share their experiences and lessons learned. Much appreciated.

Remember, not all good things come in FedEx packages!!! Look for your opportunities and make your own joy! You got this. good luck all students and their parents!

We all are amazing for doing all this in the first place! It’s not easy to write so many essays, prepare for SSAT and complete so many interviews!! But we did it:) Good luck everyone tomorrow! :))

Hey everyone, so I decided not to apply to any boarding schools this year due to many extenuating circumstances. However, I am so excited for all of you and hope to read all about it tomorrow! Good luck, whether it be your first or your 3rd M10! :slight_smile:

A note for you lurkers out there: best wishes to all of you too!! Feel free to become a member any time, you’re always welcome :).

:)) @AppleNotFar

Tis’ now officially M10 in my time zone :-SS

Wow!!! @Atria

Good luck to you!

@AppleNotFar and @lurkers! yes, please feel free to contribute, would love to hear where you get in!

Where do the official results/decisions get posted tomorrow?


And post your stats/ec’s on : http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-admissions/1968042-2017-official-prep-school-stats-ecs.html

Both have been pinned to the top on the main forum…

@hopetobein I love This is Us :slight_smile: I had to stop myself from doing the package notification thingy… too much anxiety

I was in the middle of a history project today at school and the teacher let us use our phones…I then started just sitting there and refreshing my email hoping for decisions to be sent out early.

@mtmtmt1227 too relatable

Physics class right now but here I am

I spend way more time on this website than I should. It’s almost an addiction :))