M10 Freakout Thread 2017

I just got acceptance emails from nmh and wiliston:))

Yayayayayyayayayayay!!! @volleyballgirl02 Way to go!!!
Lol @Atria this is the time to take chances

@SeattleDreamer ah, yeah good luck on your test, I might have to stay away from my computer for the rest of today if I want to get work done, idk. I hope you have a successful study session tonight. It’s wired how something so close used to feel really far away.

I am freaking out so much about my top schoollsss omgg

@volleyballgirl02 Yeah!! Yippee! Yo go Girl! high fives you

@LateNightReadshd hahaha thankss:)) what schools did u apply to?

@volleyballgirl02 ahhh congrats!!! there’s a load of pressure off :slight_smile:

haha thanks @LateNightReadshd I keep refreshing CC

@SeattleDreamer hahah I applied to 13

@volleyballgirl02 congrats!!!

WHOOHOOOOO @volleyballgirl02 !!!
Congratulations <:-P

ok am i the only one who applied to like thirteen schools with different levels of competitiveness my school made me do that i regret it so much i dont even want to go to half of them

@volleyballgirl02 I got into NMH and Williston too !!! They were my top seeds too !! Super excited !! And I bought all that ice cream for nothing :stuck_out_tongue:

I am the only one in my school that applied and all of my teachers said they have only had a couple students apply to boarding school their entire careers…it’s very uncommon where I am from.

@volleyballgirl02 but at least you’ll get in somewhere :slight_smile: I only applied to Andover so I’m most likely just going to keep going to my current school next year

@sanjit1451 congrats to you!! I’m not familiar with Williston, but LOVE NMH! Good luck with your decision.

I’m abstaining from CC until tomorrow. Sayonara and good luck everyone! I’ll see you soon.

Oh yea @mtmtmt1227
The school that I attend this year had absolutely no idea of the procedures. In fact the guidance counselor refused to send transcripts! She had no idea why I would have her send them and said she was not authorized to release any information… Sigh… Yes it was very stressful :stuck_out_tongue:

@sanjit1451 Congratulations =D> !!!

see ya! @magicthecat best of luck to you!

I wish I had your strength of will @magicthecat … But alas (earwax) :stuck_out_tongue:
Good luck on Thacher! Rootin’ for you :-bd