M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Yes, there is an email with video, “This is Your Moment” My guess is they send out in batches.

@EssexMoose is your last name at the beginning of the alphabet? maybe they are staggering by last name?


Just got waitlisted at Deerfield… Not that upset considering my interview wasn’t good

Nice!!! @jkookie

@jkookie congrats! still waiting for mine :slight_smile:

@livesk8dream My last name begins with “G” Break a leg everyone. Hoping everyone has great options!

Congrats @jkookie!

I got in to St. Paul’s!!

Rejected at St. Paul’s waitlisted at Deerfield I clicked yes I wish to remain on the wait list so fast

Congrats!! @kiki56

Anyone hear from Andover yet?

Still nothing…
The more I contemplate it the more I believe its a rejection :-<

Has anyone heard anything from Berkshire yet?

@Atria We’re in the same boat, just 1 waitlist.

@Atria What does your last name start with?

@Atria same… I’ve already been waitlisted at SPS, there is no way I’m getting into Hotchckiss, and now I probably won’t get into A/E either…

Hey guys! I’m a long time lurker who just made an account because the suspense is just killing me!!! Since I started quite late I only applied to Exeter and I still haven’t gotten my email yet which is actually killing me inside. My last name starts with a D, if that helps. Anyone have any insight?

Accaepted at Deerfield and waiting for exeter

I don’t think last name is what determines it because mine starts with a P