M10 Freakout Thread 2017

@MyCatBorks Anything is possible, trust me!


cate wl

haven’t got anything from CK yet for some reason

Got into MX !!

so proud of everyone!!!

I got into Lville!!!

@lusitari Congrats!

@Toosaucy Congrats!!!

argh… rejected to Hotchkiss and WL for MX and Taft waiting on Milton and L’ville :frowning: I’m counting on the remaining schools…

Yay!!! Congrats to you all getting into MX!!!

@gogroton2016 It’s ok I was waitlisted at Hotchkiss and rejected at Taft. I already got Milton… did you check? Good luck for Groton!

Still no email from Exeter???

@HhopefulFforSsuccess2021 Did you check your spam/junk mail?

@Nico.campbell yeah…no email…:frowning:

Is anyone else so worried??

@booksandfries same… I just want one man. WL at 2 reject at 1

I was rejected from Lville. No surprise as they essentially told us they had 0 spots for juniors.

ahhhh I’m so happy for you!! @Atria most definitely not a repeat of last year then :smiley:

few more hours until Andover…