M10 Freakout Thread 2017

I just got waitlisted by a school that I did not complete a full application for… :-?

Congratulations to everyone that received good news!!!

@mtmtmt1227 is it a school you would consider attending? perhaps you want to stay on their waitlist after all.

When I visited campus I decided not to apply because it was not what I wanted but maybe I will stay on the waitlist. Hope you receive good new today :smiley:

@mtmtmt1227 sounds like a plan; you never know, this might just be the right path for you :slight_smile:

As for hearing good news today, I am getting it vicariously through all of you and your folks as my kid applied last year. Best wishes!

My daughter just received offers from Emma Willard and Ethel Walker. Both of the schools are fantastic and now we have trouble deciding. Which one is truly better?

We got out letter at 8 am today.

@GWilson85 congrats! folks that want help deciding between schools sometimes create a new thread to ask for input.

ah well, I think I just bombed that history test…

congrats on the acceptance!! @Unkempt-Couth I’m sure Exeter will sort themselves out soon…

I’m missing stuff. Where did you get in? Nice job!!! @Unkempt-Couth and @Atria

I’ve gotten some back by now, and I will tell everyone after I get my last.


If you don’t mind me asking, where did your child end up?

@SeattleDreamer did you apply to lville? Did you get in?

So…last night was great- NMH and Concord,
Today Suffield
No from Kent
Waitlist St George and Blair
Waiting on St Andrews and Andover
Anyone know anything about St Andrews??? Is it mailed???
Good luck and congrats to all!!!

@mtmtmt1227 my child is at Andover

Congrats@GWilson85 on both Emma & Ethel!! Just curious, did they send the swag bag or box with balloon in it ? Previous posters have stated @ girls schools sending good fun to celebrate after the acceptance! Let us know!!

@MyCatBorks no, I only applied to Andover. Did you apply to Lville? If so, what was the result?

@SeattleDreamer I am an 11th grade applicant and was rejected. I think it was probably a bad idea to apply there because they seemed intent on their philosophy that it took a while to adapt to the lawrenceville lifestyle/system, and that this was difficult for juniors so they rarely accepted many/any juniors.

Thanks everyone! @happypenguin @SeattleDreamer I found out that the email was sent to my aunt, who is unfortunately out for holiday. So I don’t think I’ll know for a while. Nevertheless, my problem is somewhat resolved.

@Unkempt-Couth How weird! Why your aunt?

Love SPS welcome video. Really fun and shows the school’s personality. Fingers crossed for everyone out there!

oh yay! @Unkempt-Couth one less thing to worry about