M10 Freakout Thread 2017

@booksandfries thaks a lot… I know, the WL is often seen as a very negative place, but the chances of admission when I’m on five wait lists is alright… Middlesex was awesome except i got WL…

I got WL last year for Groton 8th grade so thats why im sort of nervous right now…

Rejected from Andover >.<

Thanks!! No I didn’t get the chance!! Did you apply for 9th grade?

@HhopefulFforSsuccess2021 Where did you find the decisions?

Go to the link in the email @gogroton2016

I GOT INTO ANDOVER and I’ve been sobbing for the past ten minutes I got waitlisted at two schools, rejected by one, but still accepted at my top choice I’m shOoK

Congratulations!! That’s great!!

@katrina571 Congrats! I’ve been waitlisted at 5, but I’m not going to mope… semper et deinceps… always forward in latin… I’m going to remain positive, and I’m happy for all of you that have been accepted!

Sorry about the late reply.
Last year when I was waitlisted at Exeter there was no letter on M10…
I think you can assume good news!

@katrina571 congratulations!! So happy for you :slight_smile:

Rejected from Andover… only school I applied to so there goes M10

@SeattleDreamer Hey, it’s going to be alright and you’re going to get past the rejection. There’s always next year! Hope everything works out for you in the future!

thanks :slight_smile: @gogroton2016

accepted into Andover! I’m so happy… after the Exeter waitlist :slight_smile:

Woohooo @katrina571

You go! Keep up with that attitude! You will do great regardless of where you attend HS.

@SeattleDreamer Chin Up!

Nulla tenaci invia est via! (for the tenacious, no road is impassable)

Congrats! Could you share your test score and other achievement record so others who did not get in could know how to improve theirs? Thank you so much! My son is rather discouraged now…

Don’t worry!!! Hey!! Next year right?? @SeattleDreamer

Are you excited for Middlesex and anywhere else? @Atria

Nice job!!! We’re cheering for everyone! :))

@Personof2017 They sent an email a week or so ago telling about how to check admissions decisions. You click on that link and it takes you to the decision.

@booksandfries nope, I applied for 11th grade this year

Don’t be discrouaged! BS apps are hard and don’t let M10 get you down!

FOR STATS and EC’s PLEASE POST ON : http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-admissions/1968042-2017-official-prep-school-stats-ecs.html

So that people like @Pokemongogo can have references (plus we all want to know :wink: )

Post regardless of what your decisions were.