M10 Freakout Thread 2017

SO EXCITED for Middlesex @booksandfries

Congrats on Deerfield! Is that where you will be next year?

Rejected at Andover… argh. Just Groton left… Im a re-applicant for Groton so I hope that helped… Good luck everyone, wherever you were accepted!

Fingers crossed for you @gogroton2016. I applied to Groton too, so I guess we’ll know something soon.

Rootin for you @gogroton2016

Ok I have everything: Accepted at Choate Milton Middlesex NMH Berkshire Putney ; rejected at Taft ; waitlisted and Andover and Hotchkiss!

Where are you going? Nico.campbell. Milton?

I think @nico.campbell is partial to choate :wink:

@nico.campbell and other applicants
Go post on the Official prep stats/ecs and the official decisions threads…

@gogroton2016 i’m sitting on the edge of my seat for someone idek

@Atria YAYAYYAAY!!! color scheming dorms already?!!! lol! I might end up going to Deerfield. not positive yet, still waiting on groton and a couple day schools!!:slight_smile:

@SeattleDreamer there are other schools out there and you showed drive so I’m not worried about your future even though i’m sorry it is hard to be rejected from your first choice

@Nico.campbell oml u slayeeedd nice job CHOATIE AM I RIGHT ??
but now that i’m accepted into deerfield sorry i bleed green and not red

By the way any prospective middlesex students?

Frozen out of all schools :frowning:

@booksandfries thanks for the support! I wish you the best in your BS adventures :slight_smile:

@atria My son is likely going to Middlesex

@HhopefulFforSsuccess2021 @SeattleDreamer
And all those who were disappointed this M10.
Excerpt from my reply on another thread:

Seems like everyone here has gotten accepted into at least one school… except for me.
Sitting on 6 declines and 1 wait-list sucks.
BUT CONGRATS TO ALL WHO GOT IN!!! You all really deserve it and I couldn’t be happier for all of you!

Wooohoo @HMom16

And I once more urge every one to go post on the Official Prep school decisions and stat/ecs thread!

When I was rejected/waitlisted last year, I felt really stung and disappointed… I think because of the effort and the amount of time we put into these applications; it feels very personal. We pour our hearts into the apps and bare our souls. When a rejection or wait list comes it can feel like a slight against you. The truth is, its not. We have no idea what is going through the minds of the AO’s. A rejection, or wait list doesn’t mean that you will not succeed.
BS IS BUT ONE PATH AMONG MANY. You will pave your path and you will be fine (better than fine)!

I got accepted into Exeter but the package hasn’t come…has it come for anyone yet?

Got accepted to Exeter this morning!!!

People accepted at Andover: can you see your financial aid award?