M10 Freakout Thread 2017

I only applied there and was confident I would get in.

Cant wait to hear all the Andover acceptances. Them smurfs.

Andover, Exeter, Deerfiield, Choate, Hotchkiss, Yay :), Wait listed SPS, Groton, few others, Rejected: Lawrenceville

Are the first places the schools u got into?

Do you guys know anyone who was wait listed but got accepted in the end? I was wait listed at Peddie ad I’m trying to stay positive but…

Yes, my cousin did. What school is Peddie?

@infinityprep1234 You heard from Groton? I keep refreshing but no notification…

Does any1 see my post?

Omg we did it. We all got accepted or waitlisted and we did it. No matter where we go next, I feel like we are going to be constantly reminded of our hard work in this long process and who we have met on CC

Also @ivyprincess1 don’t worry trust me my sister actually came off of one!!! :slight_smile:

Less than a minute for Groton!

I’m done. WL to Groton 2nd year in a row.

@llamabeast Peddie is a private school in NJ.

@llamabeast @booksandfries Do you guys remember around what time they were informed that they got accepted?

Just so u know im not trying to be a jerk by saying i applied to one place and was confident i would get in.

Thinking confident is a way to keep yourself positive.

WL @ Groton, too. The letter says there were 12 applicants for every opening.

Thanks for your support everyone… See you guys next application season…think we will apply in the UK!!!

Hugs and positive vibes sent from oceans away @Golfgr8!
We’ll be waiting for you next year :wink:

Sending you happiness. Keep your chin up. @gogroton2016

@gogroton2016 hey it’s okay don’t worry. there’s always a chance.