<p>Has anyone ever applied to an MA and PhD program at the same school? There is always a possibililty that you might not get into one but the other.
I am interested in School Psychology and although the funding is better for a PhD, they are also more difficult to get into.
One of my professors brought this up but I thought it might make it seem you weren't as interested in the PhD program which isn't the case.
Anyone entertaining both degrees or are you pretty centered in one?</p>
<p>I don't think they necessarily applied for both, but on gradcafe I've seen people post that they were offered an MA instead of a PhD during admissions.</p>
<p>Yes, I saw that. Some students mention it's harder to get your PhD later (although many do it) because of money, credits not carrying over and time as your life gets busier.
I'm sure a lot depends on you, your field, your money situation, but talking to professors, many PhD's drop out for various reasons and wish they had gotten their masters or been in a program where they could have.</p>