MA programs to be an intelligence analyst

<p>I wanted to know if a masters would increase my chances of becoming an intelligence analyst. If so, what degrees from what schools do you recommend? I am looking for part time programs.</p>

<p>Of course it would, but not as much as a clean record and ability to withstand torture. ;)</p>

<p>Georgetown in International Relations w/ fluency in arabic. If you can do that you’re gold.</p>

<p>Intelligence Analyst is actually a pretty broad job description, so it really depends on what kind of specialty you are aiming for - linguistics, history, regional studies can all be strong, although Denizen is right that IR, either focusing on “hot spots” or in security studies, is the best all-around approach.</p>

<p>Unsurprisingly, most of the best part-time programs for this are in the greater DC area - Georgetown, Hopkins, etc. Bear in mind that these are surprisingly difficult programs to get into, as many “alphabet agencies” send their employees to then in droves.</p>

<p>Also, as Denizen averred, the single biggest key is the ability to get the appropriate clearance, which for this particular position is pretty dang high. Better have your house in good order, and not just the things YOU think should matter…</p>

<p>Thanks for posting. I already have a clearance but i am not an intelligence analyst, would like to make that transition though. I would like to pursue security studies, but only problem is i haven’t really traveled widely and do not know any foreign language. Are there any masters programs that incorporate language training?</p>

<p>Be aware that the intelligence community isn’t hiring like it was in say, 2004…</p>

<p>Really, and how do you know this? I’ve seen plenty of intel jobs posted on usa jobs and websites for cleared professionals. Did you read an article with that information?</p>