<p>Hi, I've been accepted into Macaulay Honors at CCNY, but I'm beginning to doubt that applying to that campus was the best choice. I wanted to do engineering, but I might want to switch to Biology. Would I be able to transfer to Macaulay Honors at a different campus? I want to transfer to Macaulay Hunter, which offers a Biomedical Sciences Major that is different than the Biology Major offered at City College, and Hunter has a better reputation for Medical-related fields than CCNY (I want to apply to Medical school later). Please help me!!!</p>
<p>I dunno which is better in your major but you are not able to transfer to other campus. You might be able to take some classes in other campus but your “home” campus will still be CCNY.</p>
<p>Are you sure? Because when I went to an open house I remember hearing that if you want to switch to a major not available at your campus it might be possible to switch (or something like that). Looking at the course catalogs, CCNY’s and Hunter’s are different, but would that qualify for a transfer?</p>
<p>[Macaulay</a> Honors College - Frequently Asked Questions](<a href=“http://macaulay.cuny.edu/prospective-students/faqs.php]Macaulay”>http://macaulay.cuny.edu/prospective-students/faqs.php)</p>
<p>What if I have a change of heart and want to change my major to one that is not offered at the campus where I was accepted? Can I transfer?
While transfers between Macaulay campuses are discouraged, Macaulay students are welcome to take courses on any CUNY campus, including graduate courses The CUNY Graduate Center. Many Macaulay students enroll in cross-campus and graduate courses.</p>
<p>I don’t know how you would understand that answer but for me I understand it as “No, you can’t transfer but you can take classes in other campus”</p>
<p>Wait for others to clear this up :)</p>
<p>You can transfer. It is possible. You many have to cite a credible reasons and go through some hoops, but it’s doable, nonetheless.</p>