Mad Men and Don Draper meet their end

^ consolation spoken in the true CC fashion !!! College tuition.

Sally and brother, know there is a backstory to Don, after seeing the house, a pivotal moment because Sally told him she Don she loved him. So perhaps Dick Whitman would not have to be estranged from his family.
The ny times profiled Sally, Keirnan Shipka a couple months ago.
I assumed she plays a prominent role in the final episodes.

**MW: Right away. My biggest plan was that, one day, the only people who wouldn’t know who Don Draper was would be his kids. I’d been working toward that since the beginning.

PG: And you got there. Perhaps the finest moment in the show is between Kiernan and Jon Hamm, when he takes his kids to see the brothel he grew up in — this run-down house in this run-down place.**

**PG: Lately, I’ve read a spate of articles saying that “Mad Men” is really all about Sally.

MW: From the beginning, I said, This show is seen through the eyes of a child — because I was a child. You’re looking behind your parents’ bedroom door. And now, Sally’s adulthood has hit them in the face. They’re looking at someone they saw as a kid and remembering the things they saw through her eyes. Confusing things and pieced-together things. They’re starting to feel insight and not just experience.1**

@moonchild, we’re the same age, and in my high school shorthand and typing weren’t available to students in the college prep track. But I was also advised by quite a few people that I should never learn to type so I wouldn’t be pigeonholed into clerical duties, and I never did learn (hunted and pecked my way through all my college papers).

I guess I’m fortunate that when I started working I only encountered blatantly sexist behavior in one instance–and it came from a female. I shared a secretary with a male who was also a new hire fresh out of law school. She immediately started calling me by my first name while always addressing him as Mr. ______. I let it fester for a while, then finally said something. I don’t think she had even realized what she was doing, but then she had never worked for a woman before. She solved the problem by using first names for both of us, which was okay by me.

I have to disagree, @Snowdog. Joan may not have displayed cleavage at the office, but she always dressed to attract attention in tight fitting outfits that played up her assets, and those style choices contributed to her being perceived as less than serious and less than professional. As the office manager, she should have dressed a level above the secretarial staffers. And then when she got interested in the Accounts side of the business, she still didn’t tone things down. I think Joan simultaneously reveled in and resented the male attention she received–she was a complicated woman. Here’s what the costume designer for the show said about Joan’s look in a Vanity Fair interview:

I think the costume designer and CH might say Joan is a bit too much Jayne Mansfield, meaning a bit more obvious than Sophia Loren, that she might aspire to Sophia but is not actually there. I’ve never seen Marilyn in her because Joan is the opposite of breathy girlish.

Hmmm. Well…that was interesting and I wish I hadn’t read it. But I appreciate you finding it. I would just like to say to everyone…that this could be a very probable ending. I would advise those who WANT to be surprised, don’t read the above link. I didn’t mind our own CC theories, but the link above takes it a step beyond that. Now, I’m really interested in what the end will be.

I didn’t think that would be a spoiler since it is a theory, not a fact. There are a million fan theories out there.


No one criticized you.

Yes, I know

But it’s a darn good one! And plausible…and very interesting how everything is leading that way. I"m just saying I wish I didn’t know about it…maybe others don’t care. Didn’t meant offend you, just putting a possible spoiler warning out to others. I would have steered away from it.

Under any theory where Don ends his life or disappears, what about his kids?

They have a parent and a step parent. The last two scenes involving Don and the kids made it pretty clear that they are doing just fine without him.

Yeah, thinking that, too.

Note that I love to read all the theories, recaps, etc. I do not watch closely enough, nor am I bright enough, to pick up on all the little clues.

Arms thanks for the daily beast link, and thanks to conmomma for the warning! I read it, and it details what some bloggers and commenters have mentioned. Clever theory, and astounding if this ending had been planned since season 2 !!!

For those who want to further explore the daily link theory

Terry gross, npr interview Matthew wiener -
I only heard last fed minutes

Interesting comments about how and why he selected “joan”

Typo ^ Matthew Weiner !
Here is copy of transcript
On casting Christina Hendricks as Joan

Thanks for posting that link. It was a great interview.

^ and no spoilers in the interview. FYI

Wow. I did not see that coming.

i know – i’m in shock! i am so not good at analyzing things. can not wait to hear what others have to say.

One of the strongest hours (and 11 minutes) of TV I’ve ever seen. Matt Weiner directed.

Don has told Sally he’s On the Road. He lets out his big shame: he dropped his lighter and blew up his CO. And the inexplicable: giving his car to a kid and sitting to wait for a bus outside Alva, OK. Wait till he hears the news about Betty.

The episode title refers to hobos: the milk and honey route is a train ride and originally the train ride south from Salt Lake through the Mormon settlements where the people were, at least until overwhelmed, relatively more generous. It became a general saying and has a specific Jewish resonance; Jewish hobos - trombenicks - called the road generally the milk and honey route as an expression of life’s often ironic sweetness.

I always felt Pete and Trudy were the best couple on the show. Pete was an immature idiot but he’s grown up and Trudy is no longer interested in fitting into the suburban life. They respect each other’s abilities as no other couple on the show has. I hope that is their story.

I enjoyed Duck’s manipulations: he was always more of a manipulator than an accounts man. And it does fit: if McCann is generous toward Pete, he has intros into every corporate boardroom in the US if he’s at Lear.

Kiernan Shipka was fabulous carrying Sally’s emotional load. January Jones was excellent as well. She brought out Betty’s strength and determination.

It’s pretty horrible, isn’t it? Betty isn’t even 40. Gene is only 7.

FYI, last episode is written and directed by Matt Weiner and is called “Person to Person”.