Made the wrong choice?

<p>Hi, I used to attend UCR and decided I didn't like the big school/commuter environment and wanted to go to a school with a stronger humanities emphasis. After a year at UCR, I transferred to a small, all woman's college on the East Coast.
It's only been about two weeks, but I'm terrified I made the wrong choice. My classes don't feel THAT engaging (as people used to brag to me), there's a pretty big drinking culture (which I felt I avoided more easily at UCR?), and for the first time in my life, I feel like a minority (I'm Asian American). I thought this school would be everything that I wanted, but now I'm scared I made a huge mistake.
I had a 3.77 GPA at UCR, but the workload is here already so much more intense. I'm scared I'll have another bad year of college, won't make any friends (at UCR I was mostly with high school friends), and end up transferring again (I was accepted into USC and Occidental so I'm thinking of putting in applications for both schools again).
I want to give this school a chance just because so many of the girls here I've met are so kind, but they're all students with their own friends. The other transfer students and I aren't exactly bffs and just eat meals together.
I know it's too early to tell and clubs haven't even started up yet, but I was just hoping some of you transfer students have success stories of integrating into your new school's environment (especially if you went to a small school with around 1,000-2,000 people).</p>