Madison v. Thurston

Hi everyone! My roommate and I are currently trying to decide whether to put Madison or Thurston as our top pick. The thing swaying me towards Thurston is how much more social it seems to be, but I still need to weigh both options. Can anyone give some insight about the pros and cons of both?

First thing’s first: be aware that Thurston might be closed this year. In that scenario your dilemma won’t matter as much, lol.

Other than that, I think it’s good to look at pros/cons because no two situations between students are the same.

Madison pros: probably the best location out of all freshman dorms (one to two blocks from most academic buildings and food options), a decent variety of dorm room sizes, a fairly social building since there’s a large number of freshmen housed here

Madison cons: an old building, used to have frequent elevator issues (though I think this has been resolved recently?)

Thurston pros: very social building (lots of parties, LOTS of students live in the dorm), close to the Elliott building (if that’s your major or if you anticipate having lots of classes there), the “reputation” (Thurston is a shared experience for decades of GW graduates- something they talk about for years)

Thurston cons: loud, filfthy, 6-person dorms, a long walk to most food options, and until it gets renovated- old