Madison Wisconsin Letters and Science

Hi guys and girls,

I just got into University of Madison Wisconsin for Letters and Science. I know what that basically means but my intended major was Computer Science. I’m okay with having to prove myself but I’m worried that If I’m not able to get into the program, seeing how competitive it is, I’ll be wasting a heap of money and time. If anyone knows anything about this process that would be great.

Congrats! My kid went to UW, had an amazing educational (and social) experience. CS is within the College of Letters & Science at UW and, from what I read on the CS page, you need at least a grade of a C in a CS class to declare as a CS major. If you go to UW, you will have summer orientation and registration (SOAR) where you meet with advisors and choose your first semester classes. Based on an interest in declaring a CS major, they will help you develop an appropriate course schedule to meet your goals.

Thank you for your input. I actually just received a letter about my orientation for the spring. I think I’m going to go ahead and meet with the advisors

curiousCoder 97:
Congrats to you! Are you a transfer student or a current high school senior? I thought decisions weren’t coming out until January. Thanks for letting us know.

Wait, you received your acceptance letter already? Hm, I didn’t realize they were coming out this early. Did you receive a letter or an email?


Congrats! CS major as of now is extremely easy to declare as you just need to take one CS class and get a C. Basically, there is no competitive admissions process (which some want as CS classes are getting very crowded).

Sorry for the late reply. I am a college transfer student and I received an email on December 1st and I have just officially received my acceptance letter in the mail.