MAE 9 C++ Programming Class

<p>i have no prior experience with computer programming</p>

<p>Who is the easier professor, Lubarda or Murakami??</p>

<p>According to RMP, they both pretty much suck.</p>

<p>lol do you know which one is less suckier??</p>

<p>take lubarda, i had a 93 in murakami and he switched the grading system days before the final and gave me a flat B, i was ****ed to say the least</p>

<p>Okay, who’s the best prof for this course?
(I’d rather wait till that quarter when this good prof teaches, to take this course. <em>Shudders</em> I’ve had bad…very bad…experiences with CSE )</p>

<p>It might be possible for you guys to take a different programming class than this one (I hear it is very difficult if you haven’t programmed before) such as CSE8A-8B.</p>

<p>cse 8a-b would be harder than this class is. It really isnt that hard, they program your assignments for you right in class (at least murakami did), so you just had to go to class and copy everything he put in his program. id just take it as soon as possible, according to your majors its not going to be near to being the hardest thing you take, ppl groan about it but in retrospect its really simple</p>

<p>@ longdaysahed: Mae 9 is required for my major</p>

<p>MAN idk how hard its gonna be … i also have to take chem 6A and math 20A and wither warren writing or a fine art course…ahhh im scurred</p>

<p>and i have a late date: 28th 8:00 AM ahhh im double scurred!!</p>

<p>I took it with murakami. I got an A- even though I hadn’t programmed in my life before that class. Just make sure you have friends in the class to work on the homeworks with. Also, the final exam is a sort of take home exam.</p>

<p>Im kinda stuck between the two, who would you guys recommend? I see one post recommends Murakami and the other does the opposite.</p>

<p>Can someone tell us their experience with Lubrada?</p>


<p>ah! see when i had murakami, his final was a beezy and it was NOT take home in any way, and was completely diff then the whole class was, where lubrada had given his class a take home one, that was waaay easier than our class, but this was two years ago</p>



<p>if u took him 2 yrs ago then maybe he changed since I took him. In this case, I would NOT take murakami lol. I took him Fall 03</p>

<p>@ madden2009, I have to take MAE09 for my major too… though i have credit for CSE 8A. But, I’d rather just put it off for winter quarter hoping I’ll do some prep over new-year break.</p>

<p>^ if you have credit for 8a, then you wont have a problem with mae 9, i know 8a is Object Oriented Java, and mae 9 is C/C++, but even if you have the smallest programming experience you will know the “feel” of mae 9 and not ave a problem with it. They assume NO knowledge of anything remotely close to programming experience for mae 9 students, which they assume correctly, so people with absolutely no idea what programming is like can to incredibly well in this very verry basic class. Just ask TA’s, Theyre the KEY to doing well in this class if you are lost. Even if you feel like youre asking a completely idiotic question, theyll be able to explain things so you can understand, and if they cant theyll pretty much show you exactly what to do. Go to lab, go to section, thats the key</p>