Mail In Check

<p>I sent in my application on January 20th and sent in a check for my application fee on Tuesday (the 29th). It lists my application as having been submitted online, but I have not received any verification through e-mail or the mail. When should I receive verification that they received my check with my UW NetID included? I realize it's only been 3 days and they might not receive the check until later today, but I'm very anxious in case something goes wrong and they don't get it. Also, even if nothing goes wrong would having taken care of the fee so late do anything to hurt my chances of getting in? Thanks in advance for any input.</p>

<p>Btw, all I sent to the Admissions Office was a check with a brief letter verifying it was for the application fee of "My Name Here". Was that sufficient?</p>

<p>Make the phone call to admissions to verify.</p>

<p>My son "forgot" the fact that he had to send in the app. fee. The application status said (if I remember correctly) that they were checking if the application was complete or not. There was a link to the left that said "application fee". This is what made me ask my son whether he had send in the application fee. We finally send in the fee on Jan 1st with a print-out that had his name and some kind of id# in it. They took 12 days to actually post the check (Jan 11). At that point the status said that his application was being reviewed and the "application fee" link to the left disappeared. 2 weeks after that on 1/25, the status changed to "Congratulations.." etc. Calling the admissions office will also help.</p>

<p>I still haven't received a response/verification from them with my UW NetID after 2 weeks, and I'm sure they received my check either January 31st or February 1st. I e-mailed the Admissions Office yesterday and this morning received a generic response with links to various pages on their website. The reply from them also included a statement clarifying that if my problem did not fall under the pages they linked, that they would send me a more specific reply "as soon as possible." I also had my dad look to see if the check was cleared over the weekend (Sunday morning I think) and it hadn't been at that point. I've yet to call the admissions office, and won't be able to until tomorrow, but I guess I'll have to get on that ASAP.</p>

<p>Yes, you need to follow our advice and get on the phone, especially after the deadline. Sometimes relying on the computer is ok, other times you need to get instant feedback. Telephone communications still are useful.</p>

<p>I guess I don't have to call. I just got a more personal e-mail from them:</p>


<p>We have received your application fee. We are waiting on your mid year
grades in order to re evaluate your application for admission."</p>

<p>Does that mean that I'm a borderline applicant and my first semester grades can make or break me? Or is that just true for all applicants at this point regardless of how qualified they are?</p>