Mail Issue

<p>diving and skidding too...</p>

<p>i heard if you get something on winter break, they return to sender haha.</p>

<p>No, they'll hold it for you.</p>

<p>so there's people manning the front desk during winter break too? poor souls....</p>

i heard if you get something on winter break, they return to sender haha.


<p>No. :rolleyes:</p>

so there's people manning the front desk during winter break too? poor souls....


<p>Dude, I loved working during winter. 8 hours of brat free work. Basically 8 hours of paid WoW.</p>

<p>Oh wow. Do the front desk people there there still get some semblance of winter break then? I would hope for break to go back up to NorCal come Christmas.</p>

<p>If you want to leave, you usually can. It's not like front desk forces everyone to stay.</p>

<p>What if no one wants to stay? :rolleyes:</p>

<p>They hire out. I got hired one winter to help out while I was working Access. Or the managers pick up the slack.</p>