
<p>I'v been accepted into both the colleges of engineering in VT and Purdue. Since i was accepted into purdue last october, i have gotten mail all the time, including numerous pamphlets, letters, books etc... just soooo much stuff all about engineering and everything. And this has been coming from them consistenly since october. I was accepted into VT at the end of march, its been about 2 weeks now and i'v gotten about 4 tiny letters and 1 pamphlet. before i got accepted i didnt really get anything at all from VT. whats the deal?? no marketing/mailing budget at VT or what??? anyone else had the same experience/feel the same way???</p>

<p>why WOULD you get anything if u havent been accepted... the only thing tech sent was an honors application to some. nothing other than that</p>

<p>i got an outrageous amount from purdue uni, and washington uni in st. louis before i was accepted...i didnt even apply at washington uni and i got prob the most from them...but i was expecting to get hammered from VT in the april decision month.</p>

<p>My daughter applied to VT in November. We had previously requested info from them and got only a few things in the mail. She's gotten quite a few mailings from them in the few weeks since being accepted (marketing literature). I don't know why they don't send this stuff out earlier. It's kind of late now. I think a lot of the kids have already made their decisions.</p>

<p>So What??? Are you going to make your decision from who sends you more mail??? Lol. Pick between the school, based on what your needs are. (i.e. Educational Philosophy, Academic Environment, Atmosphere, Social Environment, Location, Physical Features, Facilities, and Meeting Your Future Goals; And dont even consider picking Purdue just because they send you more mail!</p>

<p>My theory is that it's the fact that VT & Blacksburg are the 2 most wired places in the world. If you requested information from them on the internet they have no reason to send you paper. They know that you can get all the information you need on the computer.</p>

<p>I don't know about MOST wired but aside from the rural areas of blacksburg the uni itself is incredibly wired. They were one of the first schools to be totally wired for internet and now they have wireless almost everywhere. They know that all the info is available on the net, so why would they waste money and more importantly trees to send people things that they can get online.</p>

<p>let's get serious, im not picking a certain school because i get a lot of mail from them. but lets just say i was a little unimpressed with the info i received from vt, as compared with other schools. i'm going to VT, i like it the best out of any of the schools i have visited, but i would have enjoyed more reading material aside from what is available online.</p>

<p>why waste all that paper?</p>

<p>it looks impressive/good marketing.</p>